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    定价:22.95 美元
    上传日期:2005-11-11 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 03890005B05580

    English Summary/英文概要: From the late forties through the sixties, Elia Kazan was the most important and influential director in America, and the only one who managed simultaneously to dominate both theater and film. In that role he manifestly shaped the conception and writing, as well as the presentation, of many of the period’s iconic works. His various achievements include the original Broadway productions of "The Skin of Our Teeth", "All My Sons", "A Streetcar Named Desire", and "Death of a Salesman" and such Hollywood films as "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn", "Gentleman’s Agreement", "Brando’s Streetcar", "On the Waterfront", "East of Eden", and "Splendor in the Grass". A non-traditional biography, this book combines social and political history with a sharp critical evaluation of Kazan’s work. Schickel presents Kazan as a figure of his culture and time, much in the same way that David Remnick treated Muhammed Ali and the larger picture of American history in King of the World. History’s view of Kazan is now colored by a single political act - his naming names in testimony before the House Un-American Activities Committee. By putting the actions, work, and words of this towering figure in context, Schickel not only defends his hero and his hero’s work; he also helps the reader move beyond Kazan’s most infamous moment to appreciate the larger American story in which he played such a pivotal role. The result is an intelligent and lively biography and social history.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 從四十年代後期通過60年代,伊利•亞卡贊是美國最重要和最有影響力的導演,而且是唯一的兼具同時掌控戲劇和電影的一位導演。在這些電影角色中,他清晰的構思和寫作,以及劇本,那一創作時期的許多標誌性作品。他的各項成果,包括百老匯原創舞臺劇《九死一生》,《吾子吾弟》,《欲望號街車》和《銷售員之死》,其中還包括以下的這些好萊塢電影《長春樹》,《君子協定》,《白蘭度電車》,《碼頭風雲》,《伊甸之東》,和《天涯何處無芳草》。 這是一本非傳統意義上的傳記,本書結合了社會和政治歷史用犀利的視角評價亞卡贊的工作。什克爾指出了亞卡贊作為一個時代文化的象徵意義,就像大衛•瑞姆裡克在許多相同觀點上對美國歷史拳王穆罕默德•阿裡一些更具深遠的描寫。亞卡贊的許多歷史觀點如今被看作為一種單純的政治色彩行為—他在眾議院的非美活動委員會召開前被指明作證。通過把亞卡贊的政治行為,電影作品和這本自傳裡豐富的文字內容,什克爾不僅捍衛了他的這位英雄,也捍衛了他的電影作品; 他還幫助讀者超越去理解亞卡贊最不光彩的瞬間而轉而去欣賞在美國大時代背景下他所起到的關鍵性作用。答案是這是一本充滿睿智的和生動活潑的自傳和社會歷史小說。(Sandy)

    Awards/获奖情况:伊利亞•卡贊(Elia Kazan)1909年9月7日出生於土耳其伊斯坦布爾,父親是希臘商人 4歲時全家移民至美國紐約,畢業于耶魯戲劇學院。 1999年,卡贊被授予第七十一屆的奧斯卡“終身成就獎”。2003年,9月28日在紐約家中去世,享年94歲。


    伊卡贊在20世紀30年代曾短時間加入過共產黨,後由於對史達林主義僵化意識形態的不滿逐漸脫離了共產黨。50年代,卡贊涉及美國好萊塢政治“黑名單”事件,在麥卡錫主義時期採取的反共態度和在眾院非美行為調查委員會(House Un-American Activities Committee)作證、揭發他人的行為,結果令包括查理•卓別林、奧森•威爾斯在內的很多自由派導演、編劇流亡海外,但他的導演事業仍如日中天,電影《天倫夢覺》、《娃娃新娘》及《天涯何處無芳草》等,都為他帶來不少榮譽。

    About the Author/作者介绍: Richard Schickel is the author of many biographies and books on film, including Brando: A Life in Our Times, Clint Eastwood: A Biography, Intimate Strangers: The Culture of Celebrity in America, and Good Morning Mr. Zip Zip Zip: Movies, Memory, and WWII. He produced a television documentary about Elia Kazan as well as a controversial tribute at the 1999 Academy Awards. A film critic at Time Magazine for many years.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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