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    定价:24.95 美元
    上传日期:2005-7-28 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 07872505B05834

    English Summary/英文概要: Terrorist attacks have become the country’s foremost fear and concern. With racial and religious intolerance on the rise each year, what is going to happen next? Are the American people safe? Or, is something horrific brewing somewhere that will make everything else tame in comparison?
    The Twenty-first Century, which takes place some time in the near future, and which rivals what has been happening in the world these last dozen years, addresses this frightening problem.
    The novel opens with the bombing of America’s twelve HOPE cities seven days before the presidential election, killing thousands of minority Americans and thrusting the nation and the election into chaos. ……

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 恐怖袭击已经成了美国最恐惧和焦虑的事。种族和宗教的排斥性与日俱增,这样的势头发展下去会是怎样?美国人民安全吗?或者说有什么可怕的事正在蠢蠢欲动,抵消了一切和平的迹象?
    总统大选即将全面拉开帷幕,这时美国十二座城市发生了连环爆炸案,数万名美国少数裔因此送了命;整个美国陷入一团混乱,原本蓄势待发的总统大选也只好搁置了。参议院Sam Howard的竞选班底负责人,Jane Weisser揭开了这场全美历史上最可怕的恐怖主义行经背后的真相,这不知是好事还是坏事,但是出于对自己和女儿生命安全的考虑她又不可能把事实真相告诉政府。
    所以Jane只好将计就计,想个办法来对付他们,但首先还必须得到Moses Mcbride牧师,全国非洲政党决策会主席的帮助,虽然一开始他们有点势单力薄。
    在这样一场争分夺秒的比赛中,Jane和Moses要和Sayyid Kassim,还有那个叫复生的组织Al-Qiyamah的十一位老家伙们一决雌雄-----这十一个人都有自己辛酸的不幸,他们的儿子都在海湾战争中被美国训练有素的杀手们干掉了;Garrison Miller,誓要把这场战争进行到底,还有……美利坚合众国的总统。


    About the Author/作者介绍: BRUCE SCHWARTZ began his career as an actor/singer and starred in or directed more than one hundred productions throughout the country, He has authored six musicals, including APPLE ANNIE, which he hopes will open on Broadway in the 2006/2007 season. He attended the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in NYC and won the prestigious Lincoln Center Award for the Performing Arts in 1969. In 1978 and 1979, Bruce Schwartz assisted the producers of the Broadway musicals, ON THE TWENTIETH CENTURY and SWEENEY TODD, before co-producing CANTERBURY TALES in 1980. He left Broadway a few years later to get married and start a family, along with a new career, writing novels, so he could stay at home raising his children. Since then, he has authored three children’s novels and two suspense novels, THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY and THE RH FACTOR, which will be released next year. Bruce Schwartz is listed in WHO’S WHO IN AMERICA, WHO’S WHO INTHE WORLD, and WHO’S AND IN ENTERTAINMENT. He lives in Connecticut with his wife and two children.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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