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    上传日期:2020-11-9 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 04850820C00001

    English Summary/英文概要: On August 6, 1945, 22-year-old Kaleria Pachikoff was doing pre-breakfast chores when a blinding flash lit the sky over Hiroshima, Japan. A moment later, everything went black as the house collapsed on her and her family. Their world, and everyone else’s, changed as the first atomic bomb was detonated over a city. From Russian nobility, the Palchikoff’s barely escaped death at the hands of Bolshevik revolutionaries until her father, a White Russian officer, hijacked a ship to take them to safety in Hiroshima. Safety was short lived. Her father, a talented musician, established a new life for the family, but the outbreak of World War II created a cloud of suspicion that led to his imprisonment and years of deprivation for his family. After the bombing, trapped in the center of previously unimagined devastation, Kaleria summoned her strength to come to the aid of bomb victims, treating the never-before seen effects of radiation. Fluent in English, Kaleria was soon recruited to work with Gen. Douglas MacArthur’s occupation forces in a number of secretarial positions until the family found a new life in the United States. Heavily based on quotes from Kaleria’s memoirs written immediately after World War II, and transcripts of United States Army Air Force interviews with her, her story is an emotional, and sometime chilling, story of courage and survival in the face of one of history’s greatest catastrophes.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 1945年8月6日,22岁的卡列里亚•帕奇科夫正在做早餐前的家务,突然一道眩目的闪光照亮了日本广岛的天空。过了一会儿,房子倒塌在她和她的家人身上,一切都变黑了。当第一颗原子弹在城市上空爆炸时,他们和其他人的世界发生了变化。从俄罗斯贵族,帕尔奇科夫几乎逃脱不了布尔什维克革命者的死亡,直到她的父亲,一个白俄军官,劫持了一艘船,把他们带到广岛的安全之处。安全是短暂的。她的父亲,一位天才的音乐家,为家庭建立了新的生活,但第二次世界大战的爆发造成了怀疑的乌云,导致他的监禁和多年的家庭贫困。轰炸之后,卡列里亚被困在以前难以想象的破坏中心,她鼓起力量帮助炸弹受害者,治疗前所未有的辐射影响。卡列里亚说着一口流利的英语,很快就被道格拉斯•麦克阿瑟将军的占领军招募,担任一些秘书职位,直到全家人在美国找到新生活。她的故事是一个感人的故事,有时是令人心寒的故事,讲述了面对历史上最大的灾难之一的勇气和生存的故事。在二战结束后,卡列里亚的回忆录包括美国空军对她的采访。(WYL)



    "An absolutely fascinating and deftly crafted true life biography that reads with all the drama of a well penned novel, Surviving Hiroshima: A Young Woman’s Story is a deftly crafted and riveting read from beginning to end." --Mary Cowper, Midwest Book Review

    "The co-authors seamlessly interweave an intimate and historically accurate account. Drago’s family presents characters deserving of recognition for their determined attitudes in the face of drastic circumstances. Wellman’s writing and war expertise illuminate forces the family is up against. Eyewitness statements paint the effects of the bomb in gruesome relief." --Mari Carlson, The US Review

    About the Author/作者介绍: 安东尼•“托尼”•德拉戈(卡利亚•帕奇科夫的儿子)是前公共安全官员,他在桑尼维尔的社区工作了25年。加州消防员和警察。道格拉斯•韦尔曼是一位35年的电视制片人兼导演,同时也是南加州大学电影艺术学院的副院长。

    Anthony "Tony" Drago (Kaleria Palchikoff’s son) is a former Public Safety Officer who spent his twenty-five year career serving the community of Sunnyvale, California as both a firefighter and police officer. Douglas Wellman was a television producer-director for 35 years, as well as the assistant dean of the University of Southern California School of Cinematic arts.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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