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    定价:14.99 美元
    上传日期:2005-7-6 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 03890005B06214

    English Summary/英文概要: Welcome to the hilarious, strange, elegiac, outrageous world of David Sedaris. In Naked, Sedaris turns the mania for memoir on its ear, mining the exceedingly rich terrain of his life, his family, and his unique worldview-a sensibility at once take-no-prisoners sharp and deeply charitable. A tart-tongued mother does dead-on imitations of her young son’s nervous tics, to the great amusement of his teachers; a stint of Kerouackian wandering is undertaken (of course!) with a quadriplegic companion; a family gathers for a wedding in the face of imminent death. Through it all is Sedaris’s unmistakable voice, without doubt one of the freshest in American writing.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 欢迎来到David Sedaris滑稽、离奇而又伤感、愤怒的世界。在《裸露》一书中,Sedaris 将他对回忆录的热衷转变为文字,充分挖掘了自己的人生、家庭以及独特的世界观。尖酸刻薄的母亲丝毫不差地模仿了小儿子的抽搐,老师们的娱乐活动,面临死亡的家庭聚在一起参加婚礼。 Sedaris笔下的这本回忆录无疑是美国文学史上的一个亮点。(LYR)

    Awards/获奖情况:“我就是很喜欢Sedaris的故事。真诚、有趣,又很坚定,读起来非常流畅,感觉像是一气呵成的,这些说明了这些故事写得多么棒!” (Rebecca Front)


    I just love Sedaris’s stories. They’re honest, funny and uncompromising, and they read as if they’re effortless to write, which is a mark of how brilliantly crafted they are (Rebecca Front)

    A satirical brazenness that holds up next to Twain and Nathaneal West (New YORKER)

    Sidesplitting (New York TIMES BOOK REVIEW)

    Genuinely funny, at time hilarious . . . Makes for a smashing use of audio as a unique entertainment medium . . . Highly likable and spirited throughout (PUBLISHERS WEEKLY) --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

    About the Author/作者介绍: David Sedaris 出版这本书以支持826NYC——一家位于纽约的非盈利性辅导中心,中心主要面向6-18岁的学生,通过免费的写作研讨班、出版项目以及一对一功课辅导和英语语言学习,帮助他们训练写作技巧。Sedaris 曾著有国际畅销书《我的语言梦》、《用灯芯绒和牛仔布打扮你的家人》等等。

    David Sedarispublished this book to support 826NYC, a nonprofit tutoring center in Brooklyn, New York that helps students ages six to eighteen develop their writing skills through free writing workshops, publishing projects, and one-on-one help with homework and English-language learning. Sedaris is the author of the internationally bestselling "Barrel Fever, Naked, Holidays on Ice, Me Talk Pretty One Day, " "Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim, When You Are Engulfed in Flames, "and "SquirrelSeeks Chipmunk."


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE(到期可授)

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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