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    上传日期:2021-7-6 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 09917521C00091

    English Summary/英文概要: Justine McKeen is back, and she’s on a deadline. With only days left before Earth Day, Justine enlists the help of her classmates to count flower buds, frogs, spiders and ants in their natural habitat as part of an environmental science project. But there’s a species right in her own classroom that she’ll have to tackle first--a class bully. Savannah Blue, aka the Queen of Mean, criticizes Justine’s secondhand clothes and calls being green a waste of time. Their teacher, Mrs. Howie, gives the girls a new assignment for Earth Day--they must present together to the class on why it’s important to care for the environment. In the sixth book in this bestselling series, Justine is up against her biggest challenge yet--can she convince the Queen of Mean to go green?

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: Justine McKeen是一個忙碌的女孩,她忙著拯救地球!她努力地說服他人,聚集跟她志同道合的朋友,想辦法讓大人做出改變,同時還要兼顧學校課業。每一次她都會面臨不同挑戰,但她總是相信會有辦法的。 一個融合環保意識和幽默學校成長故事的低章節年級小說系列。來自加拿大得獎作家西格蒙德·布勞威爾(Sigmund Brouwer)。 (Zoe)

    Awards/获奖情况:★作者曾榮獲Alberta Readers Choice Awards、加拿大最高榮譽推理文學獎亞瑟·艾利斯獎 (Arthur Ellis Awards)、艾伯塔省讀者選書獎(Alberta Readers Choice Awards)、年度基督徒小說獎(The Christy Awards),並曾兩度入圍加拿大TD兒童圖書獎(TD Childrens Book Awards)和紅楓獎(Red Maple Award)

    點此觀賞作者介紹這個系列的影片: https://youtu.be/YMB63SEJ49o

    About the Author/作者介绍: 西格蒙德·布勞威爾(Sigmund Brouwer),加拿大作家,他為成人和兒童寫書,他是三十多本暢銷書的作者,曾榮獲Alberta Readers Choice Awards、加拿大最高榮譽推理文學獎亞瑟·艾利斯獎 (Arthur Ellis Awards)、艾伯塔省讀者選書獎(Alberta Readers Choice Awards)、年度基督徒小說獎(The Christy Awards),並曾兩度入圍加拿大TD兒童圖書獎(TD Childrens Book Awards)和紅楓獎(Red Maple Award)。他已出版超過一百多種圖書,銷售超過四百萬本。他每年在一百五十多所學校演講,與超過六萬名學生分享他熱愛的故事和搖滾樂。他目前居住在艾伯塔省紅鹿市。

    Dave Whamond 是一位屢獲殊榮的插畫家和漫畫家,他的作品曾出現在書籍、雜誌和報紙上。他的網站 www.davewhamond.com。

    Sigmund Brouwer is the author of over 20 novels for adults and dozens of books for children. He visits over 150 schools per year to deliver his Rock and Roll Literacy presentation, reaching about 60,000 students per year. Sigmund lives in Red Deer, Alberta. For more information, visit www.sigmundbrouwer.com.

    Dave Whamond is an award-winning illustrator and cartoonist whose work has appeared in books, magazines and newspapers. Visit his website at www.davewhamond.com.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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