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    上传日期:2021-7-7 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 09917521C00139

    English Summary/英文概要: Eleven-year-old Charlie Dembinski likes to keep his life organized and quiet. This is a challenge when you live on a farm where your mother runs a veterinary clinic for the local livestock, neighbors’ pets and sometimes rescued wildlife. To complicate Charlie’s orderly life even further, his mother hires a bookkeeper to live on the farm who brings along her daughter, Amy Ma. And Amy is anything but quiet! Her constant questions and attempts to spend time with Charlie really bother him, and he doesn’t understand why the adults seem to like her so much. But when a neighbor’s beloved dog gets sick with a mysterious illness, Charlie realizes that Amy’s outgoing approach might not be all that bad.

    This is the first book in the Charlie’s Rules series.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 十一歲的查理‧鄧賓斯基喜歡保持他的生活安靜又井井有條,但是當你住在農場、而你的媽媽又是個獸醫時,這幾乎是一件不可能的事。而這當他的媽媽雇用了一個帶著女兒來住在農場的會計時,他的生活又被搞得更複雜。這個女孩叫做艾咪,而你絕對不會用安靜這個詞來形容她。她總是問一大堆問題,還喜歡跟著查理身邊,這讓查理覺得很煩,他不能理解為什麼大人似乎都很喜歡艾咪。但當一個鄰居最愛的狗因不明原因生病時,查理發現了艾咪的活潑也許不是一件壞事。

    本書為《查理的規則系列》第一本,來自暢銷得獎作者西格蒙德·布勞威爾(Sigmund Brouwer)。 (Zoe)

    Awards/获奖情况:★CM: Canadian Review of Materials、Kirkus Reviews、School Library Journal推薦

    ★作者曾榮獲Alberta Readers Choice Awards、加拿大最高榮譽推理文學獎亞瑟·艾利斯獎 (Arthur Ellis Awards)、艾伯塔省讀者選書獎(Alberta Readers Choice Awards)、年度基督徒小說獎(The Christy Awards),並曾兩度入圍加拿大TD兒童圖書獎(TD Childrens Book Awards)和紅楓獎(Red Maple Award)

    About the Author/作者介绍: 西格蒙德·布勞威爾(Sigmund Brouwer),加拿大作家,他為成人和兒童寫書,他是三十多本暢銷書的作者,曾榮獲Alberta Readers Choice Awards、加拿大最高榮譽推理文學獎亞瑟·艾利斯獎 (Arthur Ellis Awards)、艾伯塔省讀者選書獎(Alberta Readers Choice Awards)、年度基督徒小說獎(The Christy Awards),並曾兩度入圍加拿大TD兒童圖書獎(TD Childrens Book Awards)和紅楓獎(Red Maple Award)。他已出版超過一百多種圖書,銷售超過四百萬本。他每年在一百五十多所學校演講,與超過六萬名學生分享他熱愛的故事和搖滾樂。他目前居住在艾伯塔省紅鹿市。

    Sabrina Gendron 擁有 Cégep de Ste-Foy 的視覺藝術學位,以及 Collège Bart 的 2D/3D 動畫學位。 她喜歡從事動畫和視覺藝術創作,並曾為許多法語書籍繪製插圖。 她的作品色彩繽紛、生動活潑,會讓你想潛入她創造的世界。 Sabrina 住在魁北克的蒙聖伊萊爾。

    Sigmund Brouwer has written more than 100 books for readers of all ages including the 2015 Arthur Ellis Award-winning novel Dead Man’s Switch (Harvest House). He is the author of the Justine McKeen series and the Howling Timberwolves series in the Orca Echoes line. He visits over 150 schools per year, speaking to over 60,000 students. Sigmund lives in Red Deer, Alberta.

    Sabrina Gendron has a degree in visual arts from Cégep de Ste-Foy, as well as 2D/3D animation from Collège Bart. She loves to work on animation and visual arts projects and has illustrated a number of French-language books. Her art is colorful and lively and will make you want to dive into the worlds she has created. Sabrina lives in Mont-Saint-Hilaire, Quebec.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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