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    上传日期:2022-11-8 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 10851022C00008

    English Summary/英文概要: Music has the power to take us on an emotional and intellectual journey, transforming the listener along the way. Roger Kennedy examines the nature of such a journey in this uplifting book.

    Emotion is an integral aspect of musical experience; music has the power to take us on an emotional and intellectual journey, transforming the listener along the way. The aim of this book is to examine the nature of this journey, using a variety of perspectives. No one discipline can do justice to music’s complexity if one is to have a sense of the whole musical experience, even if one has to break up the whole experience into various elements for the purposes of clarification. The issues raised have some relationship to psychoanalytic understanding and listening, as after all psychoanalysis is a listening discipline; its bedrock is listening to the patient’s communications. While of course there are significant differences between understanding of, and listening to, a musical performance and a patient in a consulting room, the book explores common ground. Evidence from neuroscience indicates that music acts on a number of different brain sites, and that the brain is likely to be hard-wired for musical perception and appreciation, and this offers some kind of neurological substrate for musical experiences, or a parallel mode of explanation for music’s multiple effects on individuals and groups. After various excursions into early mother/baby experiences, evolutionary speculations, and neuroscientific findings, the book’s main emphasis is that it is the intensity of the artistic vision which is responsible for music’s power. That intense vision invites the viewer or the listener into the orbit of the work, engaging us to respond to the particular vision in an essentially intersubjective relationship between the work and the observer or listener. This is the area of what we might call the human soul. Music can be described as having soul when it hits the emotional core of the listener. And, of course, there is ‘soul music’, whose basic rhythms reach deep into the body to create a powerful feeling of aliveness. One can truly say that music of all the arts is most able to give shape to the elusive human subject or soul.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 音樂有能力帶我們踏上一段情感和智力之旅,一路上改變聽眾。 羅傑·肯尼迪在這本令人振奮的書中審視了這樣一段旅程的本質。

    情感是音樂體驗的一個組成部分;音樂有能力帶我們踏上一段情感和智力之旅,一路上改變聽眾。本書的目的是從不同的角度審視這段旅程的本質。如果要對整個音樂體驗有一種感覺,沒有一門學科可以公正地對待音樂的複雜性,即使為了澄清的目的,必須將整個體驗分解成各種元素。 提出問題與精神分析的理解和傾聽有一定的關係,因為畢竟精神分析是一門傾聽的學科;它的基石是傾聽患者的訊息。當然,在理解和聆聽音樂表演和諮詢室的病人之間存在顯著差異,這本書探討了共同點。來自神經科學的證據表明,音樂作用於許多不同的大腦部位,並且大腦可能與音樂感知和欣賞有著緊密的聯繫,這為音樂體驗提供了某種神經學基礎,或平行的解釋模式音樂對個人和團體的多重影響。

    在對早期母嬰經歷、進化推測和神經科學發現進行了各種探索之後,這本書的主要重點是藝術視野的強度是音樂具有力量的原因。這種強烈的視覺邀請觀眾或聽眾進入作品的軌道,讓我們在作品與觀察者或聽眾之間的主體間關係中對特定的視覺做出反應。這就是我們可以稱之為人類靈魂的領域。當音樂觸及聽眾的情感核心時,可以說是有靈魂的。當然,還有「靈魂音樂」,其基本節奏深入身體,營造出強烈的活力感。可以說,在所有藝術當中,音樂最能塑造難以捉摸的人類主體或靈魂。 (Zoe)


    About the Author/作者介绍: Dr Roger Kennedy is a consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist and an adult psychoanalyst. He was an NHS consultant in charge of the Family Unit at the Cassel Hospital for nearly 30 years before going totally into private practice ten years ago. He was chair of The Child and Family Practice in Bloomsbury and is still a director there. His work includes being a training analyst and seeing adults for analysis and therapy, as well as children, families, and parents at his clinic. He is a past President of the British Psychoanalytical Society, and a former expert witness in the family courts. He is well known as an author of books on psychoanalysis, interdisciplinary studies, and child and family work.


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