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    上传日期:2022-11-8 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 10851022C00009

    English Summary/英文概要: Stelios Kiosses invites us into the therapy room to experience the unfolding of some incredible stories of people’s not-so-everyday lives. A revealing and sensitive portrayal of what happens in psychotherapy sessions accompanied by absorbing explorations of the theories underpinning the therapy. You’ll want to read this book!

    Reading The Power of Talking: Stories from the Therapy Room feels as though you have joined author Stelios Kiosses at his favourite coffee shop for a chat whilst enjoying a cappuccino and slice of cake. It is a joy to read, inviting you into the psychotherapeutic world as a welcome guest to discover the process of psychotherapy, the role of the therapist, and the psychological defences we all employ. ‘Being a therapist is truly a lifelong journey which we share with others towards healing.’ So says Stelios Kiosses and here he presents his journey so far. Along the way, we meet Gareth, suffering from depression for many years. Then there is Helen, dealing with unresolved childhood trauma. John and Alice, experiencing difficulties in their relationship, hoping couple therapy will help. David, successfully treated for burnout / work-related stress over a decade ago, but now struggling with suicidal thoughts after the loss of his job and his mother. This case has the added resonance of the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic and the need to work remotely via video. And finally, Abigail, who is struggling with hoarding and the memories and pain of sexual abuse. These stories come to life in an engaging, enthralling, and enjoyable read for therapists and the public alike.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: Stelios Kiosses 邀請我們進入治療室,體驗人們不那麼日常生活的一些令人難以置信的故事的展開。對心理治療過程中發生的事情的揭示和敏感的描述,同時對支持治療的理論進行了深入的探索。你會想讀這本書的!

    閱讀《談話的力量:治療室的故事》感覺就像您在作家 Stelios Kiosses 最喜歡的咖啡店聊天,同時享用卡布奇諾和一塊蛋糕。閱讀是一種樂趣,邀請您以客人的身份進入心理治療的世界,探索心理治療的過程、治療師的角色以及我們都採用的心理防禦。

    「成為一名治療師確實是一個終生的旅程,我們與他人分享它以尋求療癒。」Stelios Kiosses 如此說道,他在這裡展示了他迄今為止的旅程。一路上,我們遇到了患有抑鬱症多年的加雷斯。然後是海倫,處理未解決的童年創傷。約翰和愛麗絲在他們的關係中遇到困難,希望夫妻治療會有所幫助。大衛,十多年前成功地治療了倦怠/與工作相關的壓力,但在失去工作和母親後,現在正與自殺念頭作奮鬥。這個案例增加了新冠病毒大流行背景和通過視訊遠程工作的需要的共鳴。最後是阿比蓋爾,她正在與囤積和性虐待的記憶和痛苦奮鬥。一本適合心理治療師和大眾閱讀的書,充滿引人入勝的故事和心理學探索。 (Zoe)


    About the Author/作者介绍: Stelios Kiosses(国籍Greek) 是一名心理治療師,也是愛迪生教育的臨床負責人。他管理著一個多學科團隊,確保提供和整合基於證據的臨床和治療實踐,並為助理治療師提供廣泛的培訓和監督,並為研究生心理學家提供正式的工作經驗。他在牛津大學學習心理動力學諮詢和臨床監督,之前在蘇塞克斯大學接受過心理治療和實驗心理學培訓。他是美國心理學會的準會員,也是英國諮詢與心理治療協會和英國心理學會的會員。他是牛津大學科珀斯克里斯蒂學院的成員,也是牛津大學 Robin Murphy 教授的計算精神病理學研究小組的研究合作者。 Stelios 目前在哈佛大學推廣學院任教,此前曾在倫敦國王學院擔任客座高級研究員和倫敦大學金史密斯學院客座講師。他最初被任命為伯明翰大學精神病學系的名譽高級講師,教授精神病學碩士(家庭和心理健康)。在他的公共角色中,他曾擔任英國電視心理學家和第 4 頻道熱門節目 The Hoarder Next Door 的主持人,由奧斯卡獲獎女演員 Olivia Colman 講述,目前是王子基金會傳統藝術學院的贊助人,威爾士親王殿下核心的慈善機構之一。

    Stelios Kiosses is a psychotherapist and the Clinical Lead for Edison Education. He manages a multidisciplinary team ensuring the delivery and integration of evidence based clinical and therapeutic practices and provides extensive training and supervision to associate therapists and formal work experience of graduate psychologists. He studied psychodynamic counselling and clinical supervision at the University of Oxford and was previously trained in psychotherapy and experimental psychology at Sussex University. He is an associate member of the American Psychological Association and a member of both the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy and the British Psychological Society. He is a member of Corpus Christi College Oxford and a research collaborator with Professor Robin Murphy’s Computational Psychopathology Research Group based at the University of Oxford. Stelios currently teaches at Harvard University Extension School and has previously held teaching positions as a visiting senior research associate at Kings College London and as a visiting lecturer at Goldsmiths College University of London. He was originally appointed as an honorary senior lecturer at the department of Psychiatry University of Birmingham teaching on the MS in Psychiatry (Family and Mental Health). In his public role he has acted as a UK TV psychologist and presenter for Channel 4’s hit series The Hoarder Next Door narrated by Oscar-winning actress Olivia Colman and currently is patron of the Prince’s Foundation School of Traditional Arts one of HRH Prince of Wales core charities.


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