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    上传日期:2022-11-10 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 10851022C00011

    English Summary/英文概要: An exploration of our unknown self and how we interact in a world of strangers, some of whom we have to depend upon.

    We live in a world where our livelihood depends on our ability to relate to strangers. The central quality that defines strangers is that they are unknown. Because strangers are unknown, they represent, in the world outside, the unknown self within. The unknown self is the core of the personality considered as a potential to become something yet to be determined. To be already known is to be determined prior to and independently of our presence in our lives. At the outset of the process of taking form, the individual is, in a sense, a stranger to self and to others. The more this is the case, the greater the openness of the process of self-formation and the more marked the role of freedom from predetermination in that process. Freedom from predetermination exists along three dimensions: the free movement of thoughts and ideas or “inner freedom”; the freedom to relate, which is also the freedom not to relate; and freedom in relating, which is the possibility of maintaining secure self-boundaries in relations with others. In exploring freedom understood in this way, Professor Levine considers such topics as: the nature of inner freedom and its relationship to deliberation and choice; stranger anxiety and its connection to group dynamics and social connection; the internal factors that enable us to make the decisions that shape our lives and through our actions realize the ends embedded in our decisions; how our memories shape our thought processes and therefore the choices we make and the lives we lead that result from them; what makes it possible for us to live comfortably with and depend on people we do not know; concern for the welfare of strangers and how our welfare can be secure in a world where we do not care about others and they do not care about us.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 探索我們未知的自我,以及我們如何在一個陌生人的世界中互動,其中一些人是我們必須依賴的。



    在探索以這種方式理解的自由時,萊文教授考慮了以下主題:內在自由的本質及其與深思熟慮和選擇的關係;陌生人焦慮及其與群體動力和社會聯繫的關聯;使我們能夠做出塑造我們生活決定的內部因素,並通過我們的行動實現我們決定中的目標;我們的記憶如何塑造我們的思維過程,從而塑造我們做出的選擇和由此產生的生活;是什麼讓我們能夠與我們不認識的人一起舒適地生活並依賴他們;關心陌生人的福利,以及在一個我們不關心他人而他們也不關心我們的世界裡,我們的福利如何才能得到保障。 (Zoe)


    About the Author/作者介绍: David P. Levine 是丹佛大學約瑟夫·科貝爾國際研究學院的名譽教授。 他擁有耶魯大學經濟學博士學位和科羅拉多精神分析研究中心的精神分析獎學金證書。 他在經濟學、政治經濟學和精神分析領域發表了大量著作。 在精神分析領域,他出版了關於工作、創造力、倫理和政治的書籍,最近出版了《黑暗幻想:回歸運動和在政治中尋找意義》和(與 Matthew H. Bowker 合著)《被摧毀的世界和有罪的自我: 文化與政治的精神分析研究》。 他目前住在新墨西哥州的聖達菲。

    David P. Levine is emeritus professor in the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver. He holds a PhD in economics from Yale University and a Certificate in Psychoanalytic Scholarship from the Colorado Center for Psychoanalytic Studies. He has published extensively in the fields of economics, political economy, and psychoanalysis. In the field of psychoanalysis, he has published books on work, creativity, ethics, and politics, most recently Dark Fantasy: Regressive Movements and the Search for Meaning in Politics and (with Matthew H. Bowker) The Destroyed World and the Guilty Self: A Psychoanalytic Study of Culture and Politics. He currently lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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