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    上传日期:2022-11-10 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 10851022C00012

    English Summary/英文概要: From David P. Levine and Matthew H. Bowker, an exploration of cultural and political trends which investigates the wide-ranging fantasy of the destroyed world to gain insight into the emotional core of our society and understand what drives our fascination with it.

    David Levine and Matthew Bowker explore cultural and political trends organized around the conviction that the world we live in is a dangerous place to be, that it is dominated by hate and destruction, and that in it our primary task is to survive by carrying on a life-long struggle against hostile forces. Their method involves the analysis of public fantasies to reveal their hidden meanings. The central fantasy explored is the fantasy of a destroyed world, which appears most commonly in the form of post-apocalyptic and dystopian narratives. Their special concern in the book is with defenses against the painful consequences of the dominance of this fantasy in the inner world, especially defenses involving the use of guilt to assure that something can be done to repair the destroyed world. Topics explored include: the formation of internal fortresses and their projection into the world outside, forms of guilt including bystander guilt and survivor guilt, the loss of and search for home, and manic forms of reparation.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: David P. Levine 和 Matthew H. Bowker 調查了被毀世界的廣泛幻想,以深入了解我們社會的情感核心,並了解是什麼驅使我們對此幻想如此著迷。

    在文學小說、電影、電視和虛擬現實娛樂中,人們很容易看到關於毀滅世界幻想的生動表現:描述滅絕級事件和世界末日場景,為了對抗非人類怪物的生存戰鬥,以及最近對於大屠殺,世界大戰和冷戰敘事的重新審視,並以生活在種族滅絕、世界統治和或核毀滅威脅下的人們的焦慮情緒為特色。在大眾新聞中,華盛頓郵報正向讀者展示其(第一個)官方口號,「民主在黑暗中消亡」,印在其刊頭下方。最近一期《大眾機械》的封面故事提供了一個「世界末日之前要做的 64 件事」清單(2018 年)。如果大眾媒體已經開始沉迷於破壞的幻想,學術界和文學界也是如此,特別是那些推進「死亡之死」的文學主題和「後人類」的曙光(參見 Blackman 等人,2008 年),重視自我傷害或創傷經歷,設想「人類世的終結」或者堅持認為我們生活在「末日」(齊澤克,2011)。

    這種破壞幻想的表達盛行的世界表明這種幻想對我們有一種特殊的控制,即它已成為共同的魅力主題。 法國心理學家Gustave Le Bon (2001, pp. 69–78) 將魅力描述為「催眠狀態」,迷戀其中的人或群體被幻想所籠罩,將現實的任何和所有合適的方面挪用到幻想中,並且,因此,失去了與理性、現實、「意志和洞察力」的聯繫,如同「所有的感受和思想都向著催眠師所決定的方向彎曲。」

    David Levine 和 Matthew Bowker 探索了圍繞以下信念組織成的文化和政治趨勢:我們生活的世界是一個危險的地方,它被仇恨和破壞所主宰,我們的首要任務便是與敵對的勢力終生爭戰並倖存下來。

    David Levine 和 Matthew Bowker運用對公眾幻想的分析方法,以揭示其隱藏的含義。他們探索的幻想是一個被摧毀的世界的幻想,它最常見的表現形式就是後世界末日和反烏托邦的敘事。他們在書中特別關注的是如何防禦這種幻想在內心世界中占據主導地位導致的痛苦後果,這包括了為了確保能做些什麼來修復這個被毀的世界,因而運用了內疚的防禦措施。

    本書探討的主題包括:內部堡壘的形成及其對外部世界的投射,包括旁觀者內疚和倖存者內疚等內疚形式,以及失去和尋找家園,和瘋狂的彌補形式。 (Zoe)

    Awards/获奖情况:「在閱讀這本書時,我很享受通過作者探索的電視節目和小說的創傷場景折射出的人性的震撼。 我認為這本書有很多值得推薦的地方。」──Annie Peskin, British Journal of Psychotherapy

    About the Author/作者介绍: David P. Levine 是丹佛大學約瑟夫·科貝爾國際研究學院的名譽教授。他擁有耶魯大學經濟學博士學位和科羅拉多精神分析研究中心的精神分析獎學金證書。他在經濟學、政治經濟學和精神分析領域發表了大量著作。在精神分析領域,他出版了關於工作、創造力、倫理和政治的書籍。他最近的出版物是《黑暗幻想:回歸運動和在政治中尋找意義》。他目前住在新墨西哥州的聖達菲。

    Matthew H. Bowker 是紐約布法羅 Medaille 學院的政治學教授,教授精神分析理論、政治哲學、倫理學等課程。他擁有哥倫比亞大學和馬里蘭大學帕克分校的學位,最近(2018 年)完成了富布賴特資助。他是 11 本書的作者或編輯——包括一卷關於 Hikikomori 的精神分析和嚴重的社會退縮——以及幾十篇關於精神分析和政治的文章和章節。他擔任心理社會研究雜誌的編輯(北美),精神分析政治理論系列叢書(Routledge)的聯合編輯,並擔任眾多編輯和顧問委員會成員。

    David P. Levine is emeritus professor in the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver. He holds a PhD in economics from Yale University and a Certificate in Psychoanalytic Scholarship from the Colorado Center for Psychoanalytic Studies. He has published extensively in the fields of economics, political economy, and psychoanalysis. In the field of psychoanalysis, he has published books on work, creativity, ethics, and politics. His most recent publication is Dark Fantasy: Regressive Movements and the Search for Meaning in Politics. He currently lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

    Matthew H. Bowker is a professor in political science at Medaille College in Buffalo, New York, where he teaches courses in psychoanalytic theory, political philosophy, ethics, and more. He holds degrees from Columbia University and the University of Maryland, College Park and recently (2018) completed a Fulbright grant. He is the author or editor of eleven books — including a volume on the psychoanalysis of Hikikomori and severe social withdrawal (forthcoming from Phoenix) — and several dozen articles and chapters on psychoanalysis and politics. He serves as editor (N. America) of the Journal of Psychosocial Studies, co-editor of the Psychoanalytic Political Theory book series (Routledge), and sits on numerous editorial and advisory boards.


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