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    上传日期:2022-11-10 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 10851022C00013

    English Summary/英文概要: Sixteen leading psychoanalysts reflect on the impact of the global pandemic that has changed all of our lives. Contributions from Christopher Bollas, Patricia Cardoso de Mello, Bernard Chervet, Joshua Durban, Antonino Ferro, Serge Frisch, Steven Jaron, Daniel Kupermann, Howard Levine, François Lévy, Riccardo Lombardi, Elias & Alberto Rocha Barros, Michael Rustin, Ana de Staal, and Jean-Jacques Tyszler demonstrate the myriad ways we have all been affected by Covid-19.

    Due to be released simultaneously in English, French (éditions d’Ithaque) and Portuguese (Editora Blucher).

    Showcasing a diverse range of contributions from psychoanalysts of many different countries and theoretical orientations, Psychoanalysis and Covidian Life, a collective work edited by Howard B. Levine and Ana de Staal, offers readers the opportunity to explore and reflect upon the ways in which the Covid-19 pandemic has begun to influence analytical practice. From the changes imposed on the framework (online sessions) to the impact of the trauma of isolation and the disruption of our social anchoring (required by confinement and health protection gestures), to the challenge presented to the ‘ordinary’ denial of mortality, this book explores the lessons of what the pandemic can teach us about how to understand and treat collective distress individually and puts psychoanalytical tools to the test of the profound psychosocial upheavals that the twenty-first century may hold in store. This book will be of interest to practising and trainee clinicians and anyone with an interest in the all-consuming effects of a global pandemic.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 16 位領先的精神分析學家反思了這場改變了我們所有人生活的全球流行病的影響,展示了我們所有人都受到 Covid-19 影響的各種方式。

    本書貢獻者包括: Christopher Bollas、Patricia Cardoso de Mello、Bernard Chervet、Joshua Durban、Antonino Ferro、Serge Frisch、Steven Jaron、Daniel Kupermann、Howard Levine、François Lévy、Riccardo Lombardi、Elias & Alberto Rocha Barros、Michael Rustin、Ana de Staal、和 Jean-Jacques Tyszler

    本書將同時以英語、法語 (éditions d’Ithaque) 和葡萄牙語 (Editora Blucher) 發行。

    Howard B. Levine 和 Ana de Staal 編輯的集體著作《精神分析和疫情生活:共同的痛苦和個人經歷》展示了來自許多不同國家和理論方向的精神分析學家的各種貢獻,為讀者提供了探索和反思 Covid -19的方式,以及疫情已經如何開始影響分析實踐。從對框架施加的變化(線上課程)到孤立的創傷的影響和我們社會錨定的破壞(管制措施等等),再到對否定一般死亡的挑戰,這這本書探討了大流行可以教給我們的關於如何理解和治療集體痛苦的教訓,並將精神分析工具應用於測試二十一世紀可能發生的深刻社會心理劇變。這本書將會引起臨床醫生和實習醫生以及任何想了解全球大流行的全面影響的人的興趣。 (Zoe)


    About the Author/作者介绍: 關於編者

    Howard B. Levine 是 APsaA、PINE、當代佛洛伊德學會的成員,在紐約大學博士後當代佛洛伊德軌道的教員,在國際精神分析和精神分析調查雜誌的編委,主編Routledge Wilfred Bion 研究系列叢書,以及在馬薩諸塞州布魯克萊恩的私人診所執業。他撰寫了許多關於精神分析過程和技術以及原始人格障礙治療的文章、書籍章節和評論。他與人合編的書籍包括 Unrepresented States and the Construction of Meaning (Karnac, 2013);關於佛洛伊德的屏幕記憶(卡納克,2014); The Wilfred Bion Tradition(Karnac 2016);Bion in Brazil (Karnac, 2017) 和 Andre Green Revisited: Representation and the Work of the Negative (Karnac, 2018)。他是Transformations de l’Irreprésentable(Ithaque,2019)和即將出版的《沉默與哭泣之間》(Routledge)的作者。

    Ana de Staal 是法國-巴西精神分析學家、佛洛伊德精神分析學會 (SPF) 的成員和身心症學家。由 Gilles Deleuze 和 Félix Guattari 創立的 Revue Chimères 的前總編輯,她現在在法國經營 éditions d’Ithaque。她翻譯並出版了 W. R. Bion 的大部分研討會的法文版,以及當代精神分析學重要作者的作品,如 Thomas Ogden、Antonino Ferro、Christopher Bollas、Martin Bergmann 和 André Green。她在巴黎的私人診所工作。


    Howard B. Levine is a member of APsaA, PINE, the Contemporary Freudian Society, on the faculty of the NYU Post-Doc Contemporary Freudian track, on the editorial board of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Inquiry, editor-in-chief of the Routledge Wilfred Bion Studies Book Series, and in private practice in Brookline, Massachusetts. He has authored many articles, book chapters, and reviews on psychoanalytic process and technique and the treatment of primitive personality disorders. His co-edited books include Unrepresented States and the Construction of Meaning (Karnac, 2013); On Freud’s Screen Memories (Karnac, 2014); The Wilfred Bion Tradition (Karnac 2016); Bion in Brazil (Karnac, 2017), and Andre Green Revisited: Representation and the Work of the Negative (Karnac, 2018). He is the author of Transformations de l’Irreprésentable (Ithaque, 2019) and the forthcoming Between the Silence and the Cry (Routledge).

    Ana de Staal is a Franco-Brazilian psychoanalyst, member of the Freudian Psychoanalysis Society (SPF) and psychosomatist. Former Editor-in-Chief of Revue Chimères, founded by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, she now runs éditions d’Ithaque in France. She has translated and published the French editions of most of W. R. Bion’s seminars, as well as the works of important authors of contemporary psychoanalysis, such as Thomas Ogden, Antonino Ferro, Christopher Bollas, Martin Bergmann and André Green. She works in private practice in Paris.


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