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    上传日期:2023-2-7 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 14932923C00002

    English Summary/英文概要: A cogent, comprehensive, and sweeping account of Napoleon’s dismantling of the French Revolution, giving new insight into this critical period of French history.

    The French Revolution facilitated the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte, but after gaining power he knew that his first task was to end it. In this book William Doyle describes how he did so, beginning with the three large issues that had destabilized revolutionary France: war, religion, and monarchy. Doyle shows how, as First Consul of the Republic, Napoleon resolved these issues: first by winning the war, then by forging peace with the Church, and finally by making himself a monarch. Napoleon at Peace ends by discussing Napoleon’s one great failure—his attempt to restore the colonial empire destroyed by war and slave rebellion. By the time this endeavor was abandoned, the fragile peace with Great Britain had broken down, and the Napoleonic wars had begun.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 結束一場革命也許比發動它更加困難,在本書中,布里斯託大學的名譽歷史教授William Doyle將帶我們看到拿破崙如何做到這點。

    法國大革命促成了拿破崙·波拿巴的崛起,但在獲得權力後,他知道他的首要任務是結束它。 在這本書中,William Doyle描述了他是如何做到這一點的,首先是他在革命後的法國遇到的三大問題:戰爭、宗教和君主制。本書呈現了拿破崙作為共和國的第一任執政官是如何解決這些問題的:首先是贏得戰爭,然後通過與教會締造和平,最後則是自己成為君主。

    本書以討論拿破崙的一次重大失敗作結——他想恢復殖民帝國的企圖如何被戰爭和奴隸叛亂摧毀。當他放棄時,與英國脆弱的和平已經破裂,拿破崙戰爭開始了。 (Zoe)

    Awards/获奖情况:"Napoleon at Peace has interesting and important things to say. . . . Written with the sort of élan that would inspire envy in a squadron of cavalry, Doyle’s book provides a scholarly and succinct account of General Bonaparte’s unmaking of the French Revolution and his own remaking as an absolute prince." ― Literary Review

    "To be sure, the French Revolution made Napoleon: officer commissions were no longer limited to nobility; the Corsican cultivated his celebrity with new forms of battle-focused propaganda; and, with great foresight, he appealed to le peuple, the emergent and dominating authority in politics. Many posit Napoleon’s coup d’état of 18 Brumaire (November 9, 1799) to be the end of the French Revolution, but, as Doyle argues in Napoleon at Peace, the ’popular genera’—to borrow a term from Burke—spent three more years ending the Revolution’s wars on European kingdoms, on religion, and on monarchic authority, ultimately gaining one year of true peace before war broke out again in 1803." ― New Criterion

    "Doyle’s enlightening history immerses us in a crucial phase of Napoleon’s career and France’s past with originality and erudition.” -- Tim Blanning, Emeritus Professor of Modern European History, University of Cambridge

    “Napoleon at peace may seem a contradiction in terms. Yet paradoxically, as Doyle shows in this incisive and perfectly judged study, it was the brief period when he was not at war, the fourteen months between March 1802 and May 1803, that saw his most constructive achievement: restoring religious and civil peace to France after a traumatic decade of revolution.” -- Munro Price, Professor of Modern European History, University of Bradford

    “Doyle argues incisively that Napoleon’s primary aim during the Consulate was political rather than military, as he sought to reverse what he saw as the errors of the Republic—to restore executive authority, curb disorder and insurgency, and resolve the religious schism that was the legacy of the previous decade. This book goes far to explain what Napoleon meant when he talked of his commitment to ‘end the revolution’.” -- Alan Forrest, Professor Emeritus in History, University of York

    The Franco-British Society Book Prize 2022.

    About the Author/作者介绍: 威廉·道爾 (William Doyle) 是布里斯託大學的歷史名譽教授和高級研究員,也是英國科學院院士。 他的許多著作包括《牛津法國大革命史》。

    William Doyle is professor emeritus of history and a senior research fellow at the University of Bristol, and a fellow of the British Academy. His many books include The Oxford History of the French Revolution


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