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    定价:17.95 美元
    上传日期:2023-3-1 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 02153023C00002

    English Summary/英文概要: We Are the Ocean helps children discover a personal connection to water. The author beautifully describes the importance of the ocean in sustaining life of all living plants and animals. Through the eyes of children with their doggie companions, the question of “what is the ocean?” is answered.

    Captivating illustrations and imagery show the continuous cycle of water on earth and teach young readers that water is in all the cells of plants and animals, and even in their own bodies. Readers will be surprised to find that their drinking water was "once in the bodies of dinosaurs!" When children learn that the ocean is part of them, they will hopefully learn to love and appreciate it, and take care of the ocean as they grow older.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 《我们就是海洋》帮助孩子们发现我们与水的亲密联系。作者优美地描述了海洋在维持所有植物和动物生命的重要性。通过孩子们和他们的小狗伙伴的眼睛,“什么是海洋?”的问题成功的得到回答。


    Awards/获奖情况:"Magical illustrations follow pairs of children and their dogs as they learn about the importance of water and the interconnectedness of nature. A Dalmatian rubbing noses with a whale, a pooch in boots dancing between icebergs, and a young child setting sail on a winding river are just some among the diverse cast of characters in this story about preserving and caring for our oceans―and, by extension, ourselves."
    ― Foreword Book


    Children discover that they are an intrinsic part of nature, especially the ocean.

    About the Author/作者介绍: Captain Paul Watson is a Canadian-American marine conservation activist, founded the direct-action group Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in 1977. Watson’s other recent releases include Defending Orcas (2022), Urgent! (2021), Death of a Whale (2021), and Orcapedia (2020).

    Sarah Jane Borg has been a professional artist for 40 years known for her portraits of dogs, horses and people in both watercolors and oils. Born in Devon, England, Sarah helped set up Sea Shepherd UK in 1985 which launched the campaign to stop the annual pilot whale slaughter in the Danish Fareo Islands. Concerned about children growing up in a doomsday scenario, she was delighted to team up with Paul Watson to help them understand their connection to the ocean.

    保罗·沃森船长是一位加拿大裔美国海洋保护活动家,他于 1977 年成立了一个行动组织“海洋守护者保护协会”。沃森最近发行的其他作品包括《保卫虎鲸> (2022)、《紧急!》 (2021 年)、《鲸鱼之死》 (2021 年) 和 《逆戟鲸宝典》(2020 年)。

    莎拉·简·博格 (Sarah Jane Borg) 是一位拥有 40 年经验的专业艺术家,以她所汇的狗、马和人像水彩画和油画而闻名。 Sarah 出生于英国德文郡,于 1985 年帮助成立了英国海洋守护者组织,该组织发起了一项运动,以阻止每年在丹麦法雷奥群岛屠杀领航鲸。由于担心在世界末日情景中成长的孩子,她很高兴与保罗沃森合作,帮助他们了解他们与海洋的联系。


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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