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    上传日期:2023-3-6 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 14932923C00003

    English Summary/英文概要: Sushi and sashimi are by now a global sensation and have become perhaps the best known of Japanese foods—but they are also the most widely misunderstood. Oishii: The History of Sushi reveals that sushi began as a fermented food with a sour taste, used as a means to preserve fish. This book, the first history of sushi in English, traces sushi’s development from China to Japan and then internationally, and from street food to high-class cuisine. Included are two dozen historical and original recipes that show the diversity of sushi and how to prepare it. Written by an expert on Japanese food history, Oishii is a must read for understanding sushi’s past, its variety and sustainability, and how it became one of the world’s greatest anonymous cuisines.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 壽司和生魚片如今已風靡全球,或許已成為日本最知名的食品——但它們也是被最廣泛誤解的食品。本書表明,壽司最初是一種帶有酸味的發酵食品,用作保存魚類的一種方式。 這本書是第一本英文壽司史,追溯了壽司從中國到日本再到國際,從街頭小吃到高級美食的發展歷程。 其中包括歷史悠久的原始食譜,展示了壽司的多樣性以及如何準備壽司。 由日本食品史專家撰寫,本書是了解壽司的過去、其多樣性和可持續性,以及它如何成為世界上最偉大的無名美食之一的必讀之作。(Zoe)

    Awards/获奖情况:「第一本用英語寫成的關於壽司歷史的重要書籍之一...... 」 ― 日經亞洲

    「在烹飪書和散文集之間佔據適度的中間地帶,拉斯的寫作輕鬆,不受學術界的影響。他插入個人旁白,回憶口味和經歷,為他的壽司年表增添光彩。而且最重要的是,它飽含鮮為人知的壽司知識,使本書成為飢餓的頭腦和壽司狂熱者必須擁有的一本書。」 ― 日本時報

    「資訊豐富,插圖精美......從中世紀到當代,這本內容全面且可讀性強的書最好配上附近的一盤壽司(也許還有一些清酒)...... Oishii 的意思是美味,這個詞從烹飪和視覺的角度同時描述了這本書。這本書點綴著食譜,來自簡單的五爺湯(在砧板上將醃魚和醃肉切丁。加水煮沸。用這個作為 湯料的基礎。) 到鰷魚壽司——對於那些可以吃到鰷魚的人來說,一天之內就可以吃了——以及如何選擇合適的鯖魚以避免肉變乾。還包含更現代的家庭廚師食譜 、檔案照片和木刻版畫,以及令人垂涎欲滴的壽司特寫鏡頭,讓本書成為感官的啟迪享受。) ― Digestible Bits and Bites

    "An enticing title for one of the first substantial books written in English on the history of sushi. . . . Oishii is extensively and well researched, using numerous sources from both historical and current data, and brims with fascinating and often amusing anecdotes told in a nonacademic, light writing style. If you crave the lesser-known, intriguing details of sushi’s history, then this is a book that will feed your hungry mind." ― NIKKEI Asia

    About the Author/作者介绍: 艾瑞克·C·拉斯 (Eric C. Rath) 是堪薩斯大學前現代日本史教授。 他是《近代日本早期的美食與奇幻》(Food and Fantasy in Early Modern Japan)一書的作者。

    Eric C. Rath is professor of premodern Japanese history at the University of Kansas. He is the author of Food and Fantasy in Early Modern Japan.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

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