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    定价:40.00 美元
    上传日期:2023-5-13 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 08643023C00001

    English Summary/英文概要: Western business leaders make two key assumptions about China: that China is always copying the West, and that the West is the seat of innovation. The truth is surprising: China is both copying and innovating, and while Western businesses are busy looking for the next new thing, China is rapidly iterating on what’s already been done and pushing ahead.

    While businesses in the West are getting disrupted and left behind, the savvy leaders among them can learn, innovate, and excel – by copying China’s playbook!

    Chinafy distils the key lessons from China to unlock business potential anywhere in the world. These lessons serve as catalysts for how to “Chinafy” innovation for growth. Taking a deep dive into the workings of China’s most successful brands – from Haier to ByteDance – author Joanna Hutchins reveals what it takes to get ahead in the world of business and innovation.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 西方的商业领袖对于中国通常有两个关键假设:中国总是在模仿西方,西方是创新的源泉。现代的事实其实是令人惊讶的:中国虽然的确在复制不过同时又在创新。当西方企业忙于寻找下一个新事物时,中国不但正在快速的迭代已经完成的工作,同时并且更加快速的向前推进。


    Chinafy 《中国化》从中国企业汲取重要经验教训,以成功的世界的任何地方释放出商业的潜力。这些经验教训是如何能够成功的使用 “中国化” 来创新以促进增长的催化剂。作者乔安娜哈钦斯深入探讨了中国最成功品牌的运作——从海尔到字节跳动——揭示了这些中国企业是如何在竞争激烈的市场创新领域取得成功。(Wendy)

    Awards/获奖情况:Key Selling Points

    • Overturns the notion of China as a mere copycat
    • Deep-dive case-studies of China’s most innovative brands
    • Actionable strategies for leaders seeking to transform their businesses
    • Written in a highly engaging, reader-friendly style
    • Author provides unique insider view as a Western CEO based in China since 2010

    About the Author/作者介绍: Award-winning CEO Joanna Hutchins has spent the last 15 years empowering global consumer brands and Fortune 500 companies to innovate and expand their strategies for the Asia-Pacific market. Her career in brands and marketing has been vast, beginning in New York City where she won multiple Effie Awards from the American Marketing Association (AMA) for her cutting-edge campaigns. She then moved to Bangkok, Singapore, and finally Shanghai, where she has lived since 2010. Joanna continues to help major global brands create more compelling identities to stay relevant in the ever-evolving Asia context.

    “China’s 50 Top Marketing Leaders” (New Internationalist)

    “Business Leader of the Year” (International Professional Women’s Society)

    “CEO of the Year” (shortlisted; Campaign Asia’s Women Leading Change Awards)

    屡获殊荣的首席执行官乔安娜·哈钦斯 (Joanna Hutchins) 在过去的 15 年中一直致力于帮助全球消费品牌和《财富世界500 强》创新和扩展其在亚太市场的战略。她在品牌和营销领域的职业生涯非常广阔,她从纽约市开始,凭借前沿的营销活动获得了美国营销协会 (AMA) 颁发的多项艾菲奖。之后,她搬到了曼谷、新加坡,最后搬到了上海,她自 2010 年以来一直居住在那。Joanna 继续帮助一些著名的全球品牌创造更具吸引力的身份,以在不断发展进步的亚洲环境中保持相关性。


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

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