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    上传日期:2023-8-4 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 04643023C00001

    English Summary/英文概要: Franco Faggiani reconstructs with extraordinary attention to detail an unusual profession that many still remember.
    The novel retraces the secret itineraries of the hair collectors of the Piedmontese valleys, who, following the paths of this unique trade, climbed over the Alps and reached as far as France. A compelling and very moving story that confirms the author’s great talent in describing mountain environments in an enticing manner.

    1915. Giacomo Cordero lives in Val Maira, Piedmont, with his grandfather Girolamo, his mother Lunetta and the elderly and reserved Desideria. The boy has studied but is forced to stay at home, in Prazzo, where people mainly work as lumberjacks or small farmers, and often live in small mountain huts in conditions of absolute misery. Italy has just entered the war and the elderly Girolamo, the family’s gruff breadwinner, a shrewd and capable merchant, has become the official supplier of goods for the army. Giacomo, exempted from military service, is therefore entrusted with the most delicate part of the family business, the collecting of hair which will be carefully worked during the winter by the local women, and then resold in the spring to the ateliers of the big cities across the border to make wigs, still in great demand. For the hair trade in France, Giacomo relies on an expert salesman, Natale Rebaudi, who will guide him by confiding old secrets about his father. When the boy is forced to face an unexpected situation and take over the family business, the greatest lesson will come to him from the memory of the days spent alone in the mountains, which will help him appreciate the value of the little things and the simplicity of daily life.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 1915. 贾科莫·科德罗(Giacomo Cordero ),和他的祖父 Girolamo(吉罗拉莫),他的母亲卢内塔(Lunetta)和年长而矜持的德西德里亚(De-sideria)住在皮埃蒙特的瓦尔迈拉。已入学的男孩,却被迫留在普拉佐的家里,那里的人们主要是伐木工或小农,他们经常住在山上的小屋里,条件极其艰苦。意大利刚刚加入战争,年老的吉罗拉莫,这个粗暴的养家糊口的人,一个精明能干的商人,已经成为军队的官方物资供应商。

    贾科莫免除了兵役,因此被委托从事家族事业中最精细的部分,即收集头发,这些头发将在冬天由当地妇女精心制作,然后在春天转售给边境另一边大城市的工作室,制作仍然需求量很大的假发。 对于法国的头发贸易,贾科莫依赖于一位专业的推销员,娜塔莉·雷巴迪(Natale Rebaudi),他将通过向他吐露关于他父亲的尘封的秘密来指导他。当男孩被迫面对一个意想不到的情况并接管家族企业时,他从独自一人在山上度过的日子的记忆中得到了最大的教训,这将帮助他理解琐碎小事的价值和简单的日常生活。(Sandy)

    Awards/获奖情况:«Pages full of smells, memories, landscapes, reflections, in which no one seeks the essence of life but only the right way to remedy his mistakes»
    Sergio Pent, «ttl – La Stampa»

    «The narrative cues of Faggiani’s books have always fallen into the broad,suggestive and precise description of nature».
    Enrica Riera, «L’Osservatore Romano»

    About the Author/作者介绍: Franco Faggiani现居米兰,是一名记者。他的作品《La manutenzione dei sensi》(Fazi Editore,2018年)获得了2018年Parco Majella奖、2018年巴黎城市文学奖和2019年Be Kind奖,为许多读者所知和喜爱。他的作品《Il guardiano della collina dei ciliegi》(Fazi Editore,2019)获得了2019年罗马图书馆奖和2020年Bancarella Selezione奖。他的其他著作也由Fazi Editore出版,包括Non esistono posti lontani(2020)和Tutto il cielo che serve(2021)。他的所有小说都在荷兰出版,受到评论界和公众的好评。其中两本也在乌克兰出版。

    Franco Faggiani Lives in Milan and is a journalist. With La manutenzione dei sensi (Fazi Editore, 2018), winner of the Parco Majella Award 2018, the Città delle Fiaccole Literary Award 2018 and the Be Kind Award 2019, he made himself known and loved by many readers. With Il guardiano della collina dei ciliegi (Fazi Editore, 2019), he won the 2019 Biblioteche di Roma Award and the 2020 Bancarella Selezione Award. His other books, also published by Fazi Editore, are Non esistono posti lontani (2020) and Tutto il cielo che serve (2021). All of his novels have been published in the Netherlands to great critical and public acclaim. Two of them were also published in Ukraine.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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