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    上传日期:2023-9-19 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 12580023C00108

    English Summary/英文概要: So many young people are faced with life-changing hardships—from illness and disease to loss and calamity. What Olivia Goodreau discovers through her journey with chronic Lyme, and what she has been sharing with the world, is that inside of every predicament is also a possibility. This is the story of how Olivia turned the physical challenges and emotional hardships she had faced since she was a little girl into an engaged life of advocacy for others.

    Olivia became mysteriously sick in second grade and saw her world change forever. Activities she had loved were no longer possible. Friends she had counted on disappeared. Doctors could not figure out what was the matter or how to help her feel better. But Olivia never gave up. Eventually, she would find not only a diagnosis and a treatment, but a purpose for her life. She became committed to helping others protect themselves from tick-borne diseases and heal their chronic illness, too. She began meeting with doctors and politicians around the country, advocating for new policies, raising money to support other families struggling with Lyme, and creating apps to help others like herself.

    Olivia offers hope and inspiration to young people meeting all kinds of challenges—from the ordinary ups and downs of schoolyard bullying to the exceptional challenges of illness and despair. Olivia was determined to get better…and she did. Not only that, a great part of her healing consisted of helping others feel better, too. She shows young people what is possible when you are determined to succeed. We don’t have to accept the way things are. We can change them.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 许多年轻人面临着改变人生的苦难,从疾病到损失和灾难。奥利维娅•古德劳在与慢性莱姆病的斗争中以及她一直在与世界分享的东西中发现,每一个困境都有可能克服。这是一个关于奥利维亚如何将从小就面临的身体挑战和情感困难转变为积极倡导他人的故事。






    "A tale of persistence amid invisible illness that offers insightful advice."—Kirkus Reviews

    "If you want an inspiring read, pick up a copy of But She Looks Fine." —Dorothy Kupcha Leland, President of LymeDisease.org

    "Inspired and inspiring, But She Looks Fine: From Illness to Activism is an exceptionally well written, impressively candid, organized and presented memoir that will have a very special appeal and relevance for readers having to deal with the life-impacting and altering effects of a physical or emotional affliction of their own."—Midwest Book Review

    About the Author/作者介绍: 奥利维娅•古德劳是LivLyme基金会的创始人,也是免费全球应用TickTracker的创立者。奥利维亚于2017年12岁时成立了利夫莱姆病基金会,为无力负担莱姆病药物和医生就诊费用的儿童筹集资金,并资助研究寻找治疗莱姆病和蜱传疾病的方法。奥利维亚希望LivLyme基金会能对那些患有所有蜱传疾病的人产生积极影响。作为TickTracker的创立者,她正在努力教育公众,确保人们的安全,同时也在创建一个研究数据库。

    Olivia Goodreau is the founder of the LivLyme Foundation and inventor of the free global app, TickTracker. Olivia founded the LivLyme Foundation in 2017 when she was 12 years old, to raise money for children who cannot afford their Lyme medication and doctors’ visits and to fund research to find a cure for Lyme and tick-borne diseases. Olivia hopes the LivLyme Foundation will positively impact those that suffer from all tick-borne diseases. As the inventor of TickTracker, she is striving to educate the public and keep people safe while creating a database for research.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

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