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    上传日期:2005-9-14 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 01240005B08819

    English Summary/英文概要: Unnerved by the ceaseless demands of your toddler? Concerned that your two-year-old isn’t developing on schedule? You clearly need to spend some time with Tracy Hogg. Nicknamed the “baby whisperer” by grateful parents because of her extraordinary gift for understanding and connecting with children, Tracy became internationally famous after the smashing success of her New York Times bestseller Secrets of the Baby Whisperer. Now Tracy is back with the same winning blend of common sense, uncanny intuition, and results-getting guidance in her new book, Secrets of the Baby Whisperer for Toddlers. Yes, the toddler years have their stresses and challenges for both parents and children–but with Tracy at your side, you’ll find that this can also be the most fascinating and rewarding stretch of parenthood.

    As in her hugely popular first book, Tracy brings her vast experience to bear on the issues and dilemmas with which all parents grapple during toddlerhood. Starting with the simple but essential premise that there is no such thing as a “typical” child, Tracy guides you through her unique programs, including:

    • H.E.L.P. (Hold back, Explain, Limit, Praise): the mantra that will remind you of the four elements that are critical to fostering your child’s growth and independence.

    • Using T.L.C. (Talk, Listen, Clarify) to communicate with your toddler, to figure out what she is really thinking, and to best help her express herself.

    • R&R: the Routines and Rituals that give structure and predictability to daily life and a sense of continuity to holidays and special occasions.

    • Rehearsals for Change: ways of preparing your toddler for new experiences by encouraging her to practice her skills in the safe, controlled setting of your family.

    • Conscious Discipline: a way of teaching your toddler how to behave and manage his emotions, while being mindful of the lessons you teach with your own behavior.

    Tracy knows that your child is special–a one-of-a-kind individual with her own gifts and needs–and she has dedicated this marvelous new book to helping you appreciate and respect your child’s uniqueness. Whether it’s making new friends, mastering potty training, or eating at the family dinner table, your child will do it in her own way and at his own pace. With Tracy as your guide, you can share in the achievements of toddlerhood every step of the way.

    Practical, reassuring, and written with wit and energy and boundless enthusiasm for real children and their everyday behavior, this book will be your constant companion during the magical, challenging toddler years.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 你是否因你蹒跚学步的孩子的无尽需求而感到不知所措?你又是否担心你两岁的孩子没有按计划发展?如果是这样,那你可以向Tracy Hogg取取经。她有着与婴儿沟通的非凡理解力,已经帮助很多家长解决了实际问题,因此得到了“婴儿解语者”的美誉。在《婴语的秘密》取得巨大成功并成为纽约时报畅销书之后,Tracy在国际上的知名度大大提升。在这本书里,Tracy将常识,第六感,结果指导综合使用。学步时期的孩子对父母来说确实是不小的压力和挑战但是没关系,Tracy会陪伴在你身边,在她的帮助下你会发现不曾感受过的美妙人生。





    改变传统:在安全环境下鼓励你的孩子尝试新事物,学习新技能。 以身作则:在教育孩子如何管理自己的情绪时首先要控制好自己的情绪。 Tracy认为每个孩子都是独特的个体,都有某方面的特殊天赋和需求,所以我们需要有争对性地进行教育,这样才是对他们真正的理解和尊重。无论是结交新朋友,学习掌握如厕,或是遵守餐桌规矩,你的孩子会以他自己的方式和节奏来处理。你可以在Tracy这位私人导师的协助下一步步地克服难关。


    Awards/获奖情况:“她的事业简直就是奇迹”—Jodie Foster

    "Miracles are her business" Jodie Foster "The honest truth is that Tracy Hogg has provided me with more insight into the things that matter than anyone else." -- Alain de Botton Observer Review

    About the Author/作者介绍: Tracy Hogg,曾在大奥蒙德街医院接受训练,随后在和继续教育和在利兹圣凯瑟琳医院和唐卡斯特圣杰姆斯医院继续接受助产和新生儿护理教育。1993移民美国,有着与婴儿沟通的非凡理解能力,并能奇迹般的安抚他们,被誉为“婴儿解语者”。 Melinda Blau,屡获殊荣的作家,善于研究家庭和健康,著有七本书以及大量杂志文章,目前已是两个成年孩子的母亲。

    Tracy Hogg trained at Great Ormond Street Hospital and continued her education in midwifery and caring for newborns at St James’ Hospital in Leeds and St Catherine’s Hospital, Doncaster. She migrated to the US in 1993 where her uncanny ability to understand and calm babies led to her nickname ’The Baby Whisperer’. Melinda Blau is an award-winning writer specialising in family and health topics. She is the author of seven other books and countless magazine articles and is the mother of two grown-up children.


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