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    定价:14.99 美元
    上传日期:2023-11-14 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 12775023C00023

    English Summary/英文概要: A rural country road. No cell signal for miles. A terrifying game of cat-and-mouse.

    By the time Laura and Olivia notice the headlights tailing them through the hills, it’s too late. What seems, at first, like a case of road rage quickly unfolds into a heart-pounding chase—and a battle for survival.

    Who are the men in the truck? What do they want? And can Laura and Olivia outrun—and outsmart—them long enough to call for help, even if it means taking their chances in the hills on foot?

    As their situation grows more perilous, the girls realize that the real terror has only just begun. But flight won’t save them from their pursuers. If they’re going to make it home alive, they’ll have to fight.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 一条乡间小路。几英里内都没有手机信号。一场可怕的猫捉老鼠的游戏。


    卡车里的那些人是谁?他们想要什么?劳拉和奥利维亚能在足够长的时间内逃脱——并且比他们更旗胜一招—— 寻求到帮助吗?即使这意味着他们要在山上冒险步行?


    Awards/获奖情况:"这是你读到的情节最为紧凑的291页惊悚故事。毫无疑问…这里有一个全新的粉丝女读者加入期间。" -Krissy, Books and Biceps

    "多棒的一次视觉享受啊!我在大约4小时内读,因为我被深深吸引。……跌宕起伏的情节让我从始至终一直心悸如鹜。" -Heather, Tales of a Bookbound Mom

    "一场惊险、曲折、猫捉老鼠的追逐,让我欲罢不能……与大多数惊悚小说不同的是,看完后我发现自己泪流满面。Ihli 写得很用心。" -Maddy, Maddy’s Needful Reads

    "Noelle Ihli很快就成为了一位我想拜读她写的所有东西的作家。 《Run on Red》开局节凑,通篇悬念迭起。" -Alicia R., Thriller Chick

    "这本书太疯狂了!它给了我“无路可逃”的感觉……我只用了几个小时就快速地翻阅了前几篇内容,因为我需要知道接下来会发生什么。" -Jessica, Books, Bravo, Wine

    Review "What a ride! I flew through this book in about 4 hours because I. Was. Hooked .... The story is fast-paced and had my heart pounding from the first page to the last." -Heather, Tales of a Bookbound Mom

    "A thrilling, twisty, cat-and-mouse chase that I could not put down ... unlike most thrillers, I found myself tearing up at the end. Ihli writes with so much heart." -Maddy, Maddy’s Needful Reads

    "Noelle Ihli has quickly become an author that I want to read everything she writes. Run on Red starts out fast and the momentum never dies." -Alicia R., Thriller Chick

    "This book was WILD! It gave me No Exit vibes ... I flew through this one in just a few hours because I needed to know what was going to happen." -Jessica, Books, Bravo, Wine

    "Intense and incredible." -Lindsay, AMF Reads

    "Each chapter seemed to end on a cliffhanger. I really felt like I was there with these young ladies, trying to figure out how they were going to survive." -Alexa, Alexa Has Read

    "I totally forgot I was reading a book as these scenes played out so vividly in my head ... She thrilled me with her debut release The Thicket got me in my feelings with Ask for Andrea, and made me too tense to snack with Run on Red! She is firmly in place on my auto-buy authors list." -Carrie Shields, Carrie Reads Them All

    "I hope Run on Red becomes a movie, because I felt like I was watching a great suspense/horror film the whole time I was reading." -Kenna Griffin, Prof KRG

    About the Author/作者介绍: 诺埃尔和她的丈夫、两个儿子以及两只猫住在爱达荷州。当她不策划她的下一部惊悚故事时,她就会用真实的犯罪纪录片来吓唬自己,或者去山麓骑马(带着她可靠的胡椒喷雾)。

    Noelle lives in Idaho with her husband, two sons, and two cats. When she’s not plotting her next thriller, she’s scaring herself with true-crime documentaries or going for a trail ride in the foothills (with her trusty pepper spray).


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

    Sales in other countries/其他国家销售情况:Denmark Germany Czech to Dobrovsky


