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    上传日期:2023-12-12 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 12762023C00001

    English Summary/英文概要: Armando’s home is the rainforest--he knows its sights, smells, tastes, and sounds. He even knows its moods. From the bottom of the forest floor to the top of the emergent layer, the trees are also home to a multitude of creatures. When outsiders begin laying claim to and destroying the surrounding landscape, the displaced animals find refuge with Armando in the only remaining pocket of untouched forest, his "island." As people come in and animals are forced out, this poignant tale shows the cumulative and disastrous effects of Amazonian deforestation.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 阿曼多的家是热带雨林——他熟悉雨林的景象、气味、味道和声音。他甚至知道它的情绪。从森林的地底到雨林的顶部,热带雨林里面的树木也是众多生物的家园。当外来者开始侵占并破坏周围的景观时,流离失所的动物在阿曼多的帮助下在阿曼多他的 “岛屿” 找到森林中唯一剩下的一片从未受破坏的的地方而找到了庇护所。随着人类的涌入和动物的被迫迁出,这个令人心酸的故事展示了亚马逊森林砍伐所带来的和灾难以及对于环境的影响。(Wendy)

    Awards/获奖情况:"It’s a dazzling combination of text and illustrations with an indirect call to arms to protect the natural world around us." – Jena Benton, Simply 7 with Jena Benton

    "informational fiction at its best." – Sandy Brehl, Unpacking the Power of Picture Books

    About the Author/作者介绍: Author Marsha Diane Arnold

    A born storyteller, Marsha Diane Arnold is the author of many books for children and makes her home in Florida. Her first Creative Editions title was Lights Out.

    Illustrator Anne Yvonne Gilbert

    Anne Yvonne Gilbert has designed and illustrated children’s books, postage stamps, record sleeves, and posters, infusing her work with a fairy-tale sensibility especially befitting the subject matter of Armando’s Island. After many years spent in Canada, she and her husband make their home in northern England.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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