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    上传日期:2024-3-1 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 02911024C00001

    English Summary/英文概要: Imprisoned during World War I as a conscientious objector and interned during World War II as an enemy alien, Reginald Horace Blyth was a poet, a scholar, a musician, a linguist and a student of Zen who ultimately became teacher to an emporer. His pivitol works were published in Japan even during his internment.

    Blyth ultimately became the key link and mediator between the Imperial Household and the occupying American forces, whom many credit with saving Japan from chaos after the war. His fingerprints are everywhere today in the study of Zen, Haiku and Japanese culture, and his work has influenced some of the most important writers of the 20th century— including Huxley, Oshi, Aiken, Watts, Salinger, Kerouac, Ginsberg and others. He was, in many ways, a man who changed the world!

    Mister Timeless Blyth is his story.

    Written in the form of an autobiographical novel filled with Zen and poetry, this book recounts a life of hard work, books and music, of spiritual questing, and of learning to be at peace with one’s self and one’s choices. It celebrates a man who built bridge between East and West for the greater part of his lifetime. Through it, we understand someone who moved with a sense of purpose, warmth and humor and left a mark that was very distinct indeed.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 雷金纳德·霍勒斯·布莱思在第一次世界大战期间居于良心拒服兵役被监禁,在第二次世界大战期间作为敌方外国人被拘留,他是一位诗人、学者、音乐家、语言学家和禅宗学生,最终成为皇帝的老师。即使在他被拘留期间,他的重要作品也在日本出版。

    布莱斯最终成为皇室和美国占领军之间的关键链接和调解人,许多人认为他是将日本从战后的混乱中拯救出来的重要环节。如今,他的足迹在禅宗、俳句和日本文化的研究中随处可见,他的作品影响了 20 世纪一些最重要的作家,包括赫胥黎、奥希、艾肯、瓦茨、塞林格、凯鲁亚克、金斯伯格等。从很多方面来说,他都是一个改变了世界的人!



    Awards/获奖情况:Walter Scott Prize Longlist
    Daily Mail Pick

    A fascinating "auto" biography—convincingly in Blyth’s own voice
    "It’s an astounding life story that you couldn’t make up" --The Japan Times

    "In Mister Timeless Blyth, writer Alan Spence has created a fascinating (auto) biography, convincingly in R.H. Blyth’s own voice. In it, he has conveyed the haiku scholar’s love of music, eastern and western literature, Zen Buddhism, and sly contradictions. Blyth’s profound understanding of haiku and his self-deprecating humor permeate every page. Throughout this work, Mr. Spence has included an interesting constellation of characters who influenced Blyth on what he considered his own karmic path, giving us an entirely new perspective of his life and personal development. I could not put the book down." -- William Scott Wilson, author of The Life and Zen Haiku Poetry of Santoka Taneda

    "One of Scotland’s most accomplished literary talents." -- The Sunday Times

    "Spence is a necessary visionary, all openness of instinct and imagination." -- Ali Smith

    "Another book that’s generating buzz is Mister Timeless Blyth by Alan Spence. Spence’s third biographical novel set in Japan looks at R. H. Blyth, an English poet and scholar who helped bring haiku to the Western world. Blyth was interned in Kobe in WWII, during which he wrote his first book, "Zen in English Literature and Oriental Classics." He later served as a tutor to the young Akihito before he became emperor of Japan. It’s an astounding life story that you couldn’t make up. --The Japan Times

    "This is a remarkable novel and Blyth’s part in the reconstruction of Japan is fascinating." --The Scotsman

    "Mister Timeless Blyth is remarkable for being both a conventional and compelling novel and a work of philosophy and literature. Studded with examples of haiku, and with elliptical conversations discussing the sometimes infuriatingly paradoxical and unfathomable nature of Zen, it dances between two worlds with beguiling assurance." --The Herald (Scotland)

    About the Author/作者介绍: Author Alan Spence is an award-winning poet, playwright, novelist and short story writer. He has been named Scottish Writer of the Year and was awarded the People’s Prize and Spirit of Scotland Award. He is Professor Emeritus in Creative Writing at Aberdeen University, and from 2017 to 2021 was Edinburgh Makar (Poet Laureate to the City). In 2018 he was awarded the Order of the Rising Sun from the Government of Japan. With his wife Janani he runs the Sri Chinmoy Meditation Centre in Edinburgh.

    作者艾伦·斯宾塞是一位屡获殊荣的诗人、剧作家、小说家和短篇小说作家。他被评为苏格兰年度作家,并荣获人民奖和苏格兰精神奖。他是阿伯丁大学创意写作名誉教授,并于 2017 年至 2021 年期间担任爱丁堡马卡(爱丁堡市桂冠诗人)。 2018年,他被日本政府授予旭日勋章。他与妻子 Janani 一起经营爱丁堡的 Sri Chinmoy 冥想中心。


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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