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    定价:28.95 美元
    上传日期:2024-3-22 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 06831524C00001

    English Summary/英文概要: This practical book will help you understand why you might not be finishing a task or project, and what to do about it. But it also goes beyond a "do this, not that" approach to help you develop a deeper insight into what you should be committing to in the first place!

    Divided into three parts, Part 1, "Causes," begins with a provocative chapter entitled "The Epidemic of Unfinished Everything and Its Consequences." Chapter 2 explores 21 behaviors, beliefs, and bad habits that might be at the root of not finishing. The remaining chapters in this part explore specific causes of unfinished tasks including "Having Too Much to Do at Once;" "Dealing with Procrastination" and "Having an Unrealistic or No Deadline."

    Part 2, "Cures," probes such remedies as "Using F-I-N-I-S-H;" "To-Do Lists that Work;" Learning to Say "No"; and more.

    Part 3, "Additional Thoughts and a Conclusion," includes a chapter entitled, "The Exception That Proves the Rule: When Failing to Finish is a Good Thing" as well as the chapter, "Summing Up," with pivotal examples and information to help you finish everything you start. A Selected Bibliography with a List of Cited Works, Resources section, and Appendix of useful supporting materials complete this time-saving book that will help you to get more done.

    HOW TO FINISH EVERYTHING YOU START is based on Dr. Yager’s 3+ decades of research on time management plus new interviews and surveys focusing on finishing with more than 242 men and women from throughout the United States and internationally.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 这本实用的书将帮助您了解为什么您可能无法完成某些任务或项目,以及如何应对这个普片发生的问题。此书更超越了“做这个,而不是那个”的方法,帮助您更深入地了解您首先应该承诺的事情!

    此书分为三部分: 第一部分“原因” 以挑衅性的标题 “流行性的半途而废及其后果”开始。 这部分的第二章探讨可能导致常年半途而废的 21 种行为、信念和坏习惯。本部分的其余章节探讨了导致半途而废的具体原因,包括“一次要做的事情太多”; “处理拖延症”和“设定不切实际或没有最后期限”的问题。

    第二部分 “治疗”探讨了“使用 F-I-N-I-S-H”等补救措施; “有效的待办事项列表;”学会说“不”;和更多对症下药的方法。


    《如何完成你开始的一切/有始有终》基于 Yager 博士三十多年的时间管理研究以及采访来自美国和国际各地超过 242 名男性和女性的最新调查。

    Awards/获奖情况:PRAISE: "Unfinished tasks are truly an epidemic. I was inspired by reading Jan Yager’s HOW TO FINISH EVERYTHING YOU START and I also experienced deep introspection in doing the exercises."--Ajeet Khurana, CEO"

    "This book is just what I needed! I had gotten into the bad habit of starting so many projects and never getting them finished! I used to get distracted. I procrastinated. I got stuck. Then I started to apply the principles that I learned from "How to Finish Everything You Start" and it has been helping me to escape the constant feeling of being overwhelmed that I used to experience each day. I am definitely finishing more than before!” --Gina Carr, MBA, speaker and marketing strategist

    From "Yourstory.com" - "Never Leave Things Half-Done: Jan Yager’s Completion Secrets" (Posted 11/16/2023)
    "Jan Yager’s "How to Finish Everything You Start" is more than just a book; it’s a roadmap for anyone looking to bring their projects and goals to fruition. Through a blend of practical strategies and motivational insights, Yager equips readers with the tools needed to break the cycle of incompletion and embrace a more productive and fulfilling approach to their endeavors."

    Review from India Reader:
    ‘How to Finish Everything You Start’ is an absolute game-changer! From the very first page, it’s like having a personal coach guiding you through the journey of completion. With practical tips, actionable steps, and real-life examples, this book equips you with the mindset and strategies to conquer procrastination and see your projects through to the end. It’s not just about starting strong, but about finishing stronger. Prepare to unleash your productivity and achieve your goals like never before!

    About the Author/作者介绍: Jan Yager 博士是一位多产、屡获殊荣的作家,其著作有 60 多本,被翻译成 35 种语言。她将自己的生产力归因于一些天生的组织能力和作为一个精力充沛的人,以及自她的第一本关于该主题的书《创造性时间管理》出版以来,她从时间管理方面的研究、写作和指导中学到的东西。 1984 年由 Prentice-Hall 出版。Jan 的另外几本关于时间管理的书包括《從零效率到高效率:用20%時間完成80%工作 》(商周出版);《时间箴言》(商务印书馆 );其中一本或多本已翻译成 15 种语言。

    Dr. Jan Yager is the prolific award-winning author of 60+ books translated into 35 languages. She attributes her productivity to some natural organizational skills and being a high energy person as well as what she has learned from the research, writing, and coaching she has been doing on time management since her first book on the subject, CREATIVE TIME MANAGEMENT, was published by Prentice-Hall in 1984. Jan’s seven additional books on time management include WORK LESS, DO MORE: THE 7-DAY PRODUCTIVITY MAKEOVER; PUT MORE TIME ON YOUR SIDE (2nd edition); 365 DAILY AFFIRMATIONS FOR TIME MANAGEMENT; CREATIVE TIME MANAGEMENT FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM; and the training manual, DELIVERING TIME MANAGEMENT TO IT PROFESSIONALS, with one or more of these books translated into 15 languages; and the unique application of time management principles in these books: 125 WAYS TO MEET THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE (Second edition) and THE FAST TRACK FOR LOSING WEIGHT AND KEEPING IT OFF.

    You might also want to check out Jan’s memoir: LOOKING BACKWARD, GOING FORWARD: Reflections on a Writer’s Life (2023)

    For more on Jan Yager, visit her main website, www.drjanyager.com


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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