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    定价:24.95 美元
    上传日期:1900-1-1 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 02740004B00046

    English Summary/英文概要: A practical approach to creating wealth–based on the established principles of ancient Jewish wisdom–made accessible to people of all backgrounds.

    The ups and downs of the economy prove Rabbi Daniel Lapin′s famous principle that the more things change, the more we need to depend upon the things that never change. There′s no better source for both practical and spiritual financial wisdom than the time–tested knowledge found in the ancient Jewish faith and its culture. In the Second Edition of Thou Shall Prosper, Lapin offers a practical approach to creating wealth based on the established principles of ancient Jewish wisdom. This book details the ten permanent principles that never change, the ten commandments of making money if you will, and explores the economic and philosophic vision of business that has been part of Jewish culture for centuries. The book′s focus is on making accessible to individuals of all backgrounds, the timeless truths that Jews have used for centuries to excel in business.
    Outlines ten fundamental "commandments" relating to business and money
    Includes insights that will increase your potential for creating wealth, no matter what your faith or background may be.
    Blends contemporary business stories and Lapin′s own business experiences with the wisdom of the Torah and Talmudic prescriptions.
    This Second Edition provides new examples, especially of Internet related business opportunities. In addition, each chapter highlights specific action steps that can lead to wealth opportunities in both difficult economic times and periods of prosperity.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 0274.00 2002 32开 362页

    Awards/获奖情况:"Thou Shall Prosper is a passionate, occasionally hortatory avowal and practical roadmap to the making of ’dough’ and the life-affirming consequences of the honest pursuit of profit. An unabashed manifesto for the twenty-first century, it seeks to steer the reader toward a guilt-free appreciation of wealth accumulation."---The Jewish Press
    "Rabbi Daniel Lapin’s wisdom has helped untold numbers of people, including me, grow in our business, family, and spiritual lives. In Thou Shall Prosper, Rabbi Lapin has done it again. This book tells it like it is in a helpful, honest, hopeful, informative way. He offers valid, useful information based on ancient wisdom and modern experience."---Zig Ziglar, author and motivational teacher
    "No matter how successful or sophisticated you may be, this remarkable work will enrich your understanding of the important, exciting process of building wealth."---Michael Medved, nationally syndicated radio host and author of Hollywood vs. America

    About the Author/作者介绍: Rabbi Daniel Lapin is a nationally known speaker, advisor to President George W. Bush, and a syndicated radio talk-show host. He is the President of the Cascadia Business Institute consulting firm, which helps organizations apply the ancient wisdom used over centuries by Jews to excel in business and translates it into modern-day management tools. Rabbi Lapin gives more than fifty speeches annually to leaders of corporations including Amway, Nordstrom, and Boeing. Rabbi Lapin founded Toward Tradition, an organization of Christians and Jews devoted to educating America about moral issues and the spiritual value of economic freedom. He is the bestselling author of America’s Real War.

    Rabbi Daniel Lapin是一个著名的演讲师和一家咨询公司的负责人,每年要做50多次演讲,并为许多公司提供咨询,将犹太人赚钱的诀窍介绍给别人。他曾担任过布什总统的顾问,也当过电台谈话节目的主持人。他还写过一本畅销书“美国真正的战争”。


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE(到期可授)

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:SOLD

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