Book ID/图书代码: 04331424C00015
English Summary/英文概要: Humour is officially recognized in positive psychology as one of the 24 ‘character strengths’. However, laughter has an uneasy relationship with positive psychology, despite being key to communicating joy and happiness.The Positive Psychology of Laughter and Humour corrects this disconnect by combining academic insight with real-world experience. Drawing on the authors’ diverse backgrounds and expertise, this is the first academic volume dedicated to the rarely discussed topic of laughter and humour in positive psychology.
Freda Gonot-Schoupinsky, Merv Neal and Jerome Carson demonstrate how laughter and humour differ, and how both can be applied within positive psychology to boost mood and maintain positive outcomes.The Positive Psychology of Laughter and Humour includes case studies and real-world insight as well as providing a methodological and theoretical background to the topic, giving rigorous theoretical and methodological insight for researchers, and including pedagogical sections in each chapter useful for teachers and researchers.
Chinese Summary/中文概要: 幽默被正向心理學正式認定為 24 種「性格優勢」之一。然而,儘管笑是傳達快樂和幸福的關鍵,但它與正向心理學之間的關係卻很不穩定。本書致力於解決這種矛盾的脫節關係,憑藉作者的不同背景和專業知識,這是第一本探討正向心理學中很少討論的笑聲和幽默主題的學術專著。
Freda Gonot-Schoupinsky、Merv Neal 和Jerome Carson 展示了笑聲和幽默的不同之處,以及如何將兩者應用於正向心理學中來提升情緒並保持積極的結果。 本書包括案例研究和對現實世界的洞察,例如提供該主題的方法論和理論背景,為研究人員提供嚴格的理論和方法論見解,並在每章中包含對教師和研究人員有用的教學部分。(Zoe)
About the Author/作者介绍: Freda Gonot-Schoupinsky 繼獲得健康心理學碩士學位後,於 2023 年在博爾頓大學獲得了心理學博士學位。她的在本書的貢獻包括Laughie (Laugh Intentionally Everyday)和Positive Autoethnography。
Merv Neal 是「澳洲領先的笑聲專家」,也是澳洲笑聲瑜珈的執行長。他曾出現在許多電視節目中,是一名專業演講者和主持人、研究員、公民科學家、笑瑜伽教練和Laughie 練習者。
Jerome Carson是博爾頓大學心理學教授。他對從生活經驗的角度來看酒精成癮和康復領域很感興趣,他的大部分研究都是正向心理學和心理健康康復。
Freda Gonot-Schoupinsky completed her PhD in psychology at the University of Bolton in 2023 following an MSc in health psychology. Her contributions include the Laughie (Laugh Intentionally Everyday) laughter prescription and Positive Autoethnography.
Merv Neal is “Australia’s Leading Laughter Expert”, and the CEO of Laughter Yoga Australia. He has appeared on numerous television programmes and is a professional speaker and facilitator, researcher, citizen scientist, Laughter Yoga trainer and Laughie practitioner.
Jerome Carson is Professor of Psychology at the University of Bolton. He is interested in the field of alcohol addiction and recovery from a lived experience perspective, with much of his research in positive psychology and mental health recovery.
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