Book ID/图书代码: 12780024C00010
English Summary/英文概要: Despite their cultural influence, the grand narrative of the dinosaur story is rarely told. Most of us have heard of Stegosaurus and Tyrannosaurus, for example, but these two dinosaurs lived more than eighty million years apart — a greater span of time than the entire post-T. rex history of the planet. Furthermore, we often know even less about the environments these animals lived in — the other animals and plants and dramatic changes to the earth the dinosaurs inhabited.
The Shortest History of the Dinosaurs tells the full story, a 230-million-year epic of small beginnings, spectacular golden periods, and eventual global domination — before an unthinkable asteroid event brought everything to a screeching halt. Covering the major moments in evolution, extinction, and ecology, we learn that, for millions of years in the Triassic, dinosaurs were dog-sized and ordinary — but slowly developing evolutionary traits like feathers and warm-bloodedness that would set them up for future success. In the Jurassic Period, these traits — and others like laying eggs and growing specialized air sacs — led to an era of rapid growth in dinosaur population and physical size. As Pangea continued to break apart, during the Cretaceous Period, dinosaurs traversed the globe, adapting to air and water — before a six-mile - wide asteroid hit Central America and brought the age of dinosaurs to a fiery end.
Using countless recent fossil discoveries, fresh understandings of genetics and evolution, and over fifty illustrations and maps, author Riley Black reveals the startling relationships dinosaurs shared with each other, the land they lived on, other animal species, and the earth as a whole.
Chinese Summary/中文概要: 尽管受到文化的影响,但恐龙故事很少被讲述。例如,我们大多数人都听说过剑龙和霸王龙,但这两种恐龙的寿命相差8000多万年,比地球上霸王龙之后的整个历史都要长。此外,我们往往对这些动物所生活的环境知之甚少,比如其他动物和植物以及恐龙所居住地球的巨大变化。
Key Selling Points
• A 230-million-year epic in a short, digestible format: Broken into three main parts to cover the three main geological periods in which dinosaurs lived, this book covers the entire, epic story of dinosaurs in fewer than 300 pages.
• High scientific drama: Balancing well-established research and new studies
, we learn the dramatic story of dinosaurs’ rise and fall — including the
worst mass extinction in Earth’ s history, a famous asteroid strike, and the otherworldly workings of evolution—instilling a rich understanding of dinosaurs
as they lived and breathed, and how they were both beneficiaries and victims of global-scale disasters.
• An evergreen, wildly popular topic: Dinosaur fever is real — Jurassic Park
is the tenth highest - grossing movie series of all time. This book will publish just before the release of Jurassic World 4, and is updated with key paleontological discoveries from the last five years, including groundbreaking, headline-making fossil finds in Maryland, Scotland, and Spain.
• By a rising star in paleontology and science writing: Riley Black’s book on the extinction of dinosaurs (13k copies sold) won the AAAS/Subaru Prize for Excellence in Science Writing. She’s worked as resident paleontologist for Jurassic World, and spends her summers digging for fossils for museums and universities. She brings her vast expertise in the world of dinosaurs to this book.
About the Author/作者介绍: 莱利•布莱克是十多本关于化石、进化和恐龙的书籍的获奖作者。她的最新作品《恐龙的最后几天》获得了美国科学促进会/斯巴鲁科学图书卓越奖,她的后续作品《在地球还是绿色的时候》将于2025年由圣马丁出版社出版。在不写书的时候,莱利经常为《国家地理》《史密森尼学会》《Slate》等各种出版物撰写关于化石的文章,并多次出现在《所有需要考虑的事》《科学周五》和《NOVA》等广播和电视节目中。她还担任侏罗纪世界特许经营权恐龙项目的科学顾问,并在耶鲁大学、休斯顿自然科学博物馆和图森图书节等场所就古生物学的最新进展发表演讲。
Riley Black is the award-winning author of more than ten books about fossils, evolution, and dinosaurs. Her latest, The Last Days of the Dinosaurs, won the AAAS/Subaru Prize for Excellence in Science Books, and her follow-up When the Earth Was Green will be published in 2025 by St. Martin’s Press. When not composing books, Riley regularly writes about fossils for a variety of publications such as National Geographic, Smithsonian, Slate, and more, with repeated appearances on radio and television programs such as All Things Considered, Science Friday, and NOVA. She has also acted as a science advisor on dinosaur projects for the Jurassic World franchise, and has given talks about the latest in paleontology at venues ranging from Yale University and the Houston Museum of Natural Science to the Tucson Festival of Books.
Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE
Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE
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