Book ID/图书代码: 05380004B00613
English Summary/英文概要: Commander Adam Dalgliesh, P.D. James’ beloved detective, returns in a chilling story of mystery, passion – and love. A small London history museum is in danger of being closed. As its trustees come together to debate the options, one of them is found brutally murdered, followed, in quick succession, by a second gruesome death. Eerily, both killings appear to echo notorious crimes of the past, featured in a gallery called ‘The Murder Room’. With his trademark dexterity and expertise, Dagliesh begins the careful and dangerous task of unravelling an increasingly complex case in a brilliant work of psychological suspense. THE MURDER ROOM hit the top of the Sunday Times bestseller list for a number of consecutive weeks.
Chinese Summary/中文概要: 十月二十五日星期五,确切地说是一周前,也就是亚当•达格利什第一次参观迪尤珀尼博物馆的时候,在博物馆发现了第一具尸体。本来他的这次参观是一时性起,没有事先考虑做出的决定。因为命运的奇异巧合,后来亚当•达格利什回忆了那个下午所发生的事。尽管诸如此类的事情经常发生,也没有合理的原因可以解释,但是这种巧合依然令人惊奇……(TT)
Awards/获奖情况:P. D. James是「當代最偉大的經典犯罪小說作家」──《倫敦週日時報》
「P. D. James是同代作家中最出色的英國犯罪小說家。」──《環球郵報》
「謀殺天后……描述鮮明、令人折服的推理過程,使P. D. James成為頂尖的犯罪推理小說家,堪稱繼承柯南道爾與克莉絲蒂文風的偵探小說家。」──《時代雜誌》
‘The greatest contemporary writer of classic crime’. -- Peter Kemp, Sunday Times
’P.D. James is one of the national treasures of British fiction…. Hers is still, thank goodness, the world of the classic detective tale’. -- Malcolm Bradbury, Mail on Sunday
’The ability to haunt has earned P.D. James the title "queen" of crime. Long may she reign’. -- Chicago Sun-Times
’The work of Baroness James of Holland Park has elevated English detective fiction far beyond the diverting puzzles typical of the genre novelists of an earlier generation. Lady James is a perceptive chronicler of the changing landscape of London; the flux of urban development and the housing market; the corrosive culture of sink estates; the ruthless politics of the professions; and even the use of the internet for hedonistic purposes. Like Wilkie Collins and Edgar Allan Poe, she has looked at the darkness of the human psyche, and created from it not just entertainment but literature.’ -- The Times
About the Author/作者介绍: 今年,《時代週刊》選出了50位最偉大的犯罪小說家,P.D. James名列前矛,甚至比這類小說的開山始祖愛倫坡名次還要前面。《時代週刊》給她的讚美是,創作力豐沛且腦容量驚人的貴婦。這位現年八十八高齡、氣質確實高雅非凡的女作家,目前還活躍於文壇,正準備推出她的最新作品THE PRIVATE PATIENT,內容描述一連串在整形外科醫院發生的命案。去年寫作該書時,她確實因為心臟問題住在病房裡,最近她接受訪問時,還幽默的笑道,她沒想過醫院竟然是這麼適合創作文學作品的好所在,沒有電話、手機、電子郵件…等打擾,讓她順利完成這部作品。 P.D. James出生於英國倫敦牛津,二次世界大戰開打時,還是青少女的她加入紅十字義勇軍,在糧食局工作,儘管只有高中畢業,但詹姆絲憑其勤奮自修的學養,與文筆脫俗的創作,得到文學圈極高的讚譽。1941年,詹姆絲嫁給醫生丈夫厄尼斯特.懷特(Ernest White),之後,她那心靈脆弱的丈夫,因為赴前線支援,大戰結束,精神卻開始失常,P.D. James除了要照顧長期臥床的丈夫,還得養育兩個女兒,為了生計,她展開長達三十年的公務員生涯,前後任職醫療及警政等部門,一方面,也沉浸在屬於自己的推理創作,卅八歲開始發表作品的她,42歲時完成長篇推理《掩上她的臉》(Cover Her Face, 1962),贏得文壇一片讚賞。《死亡的滋味》(A Taste for Death)和《黑塔》(The Black Tower)也已在台灣出版,極受讀者喜愛。
P.D. James著作豐富,至今已出版十餘本書,其中不少已經改編成為英美的電影及電視影集,2007年台灣上映的《末代浩劫》亦為其作品《人類之子》(The Children of Men)改編而來。她服務於英國公職三十餘年,包括警政部門,曾任英國內政部防制犯罪政策部門主管、兼掌統轄法醫等警政相關事務,退休前的職位為內政部犯罪防治署署長,也曾經是英國國家廣播公司執行長、及董事會成員之一,為英國上議院的議員。由於寫作有成,她獲得許多國際知名文學獎,包括在英國犯罪作家推理協會頒發、「諾貝爾推理文學獎」之稱的「鑽石匕首獎」(Dagger Awards),並受英國皇室勳封為女伯爵、更獲頒美國偵探作家協會終身成就獎-「大師獎」,以及「愛倫坡獎」。其筆下的犯罪小說屢屢獲得英國、美國、義大利和斯堪地那維亞的重要獎項。她現居倫敦及牛津,育有兩位女兒、五位孫女。
P. D. James的名字,絕對是偵探推理與犯罪小說的品質保證。
P. D. James (1920-2014) was born in Oxford and educated at Cambridge High School for Girls. From 1949 to 1968 she worked in the National Health Service and subsequently in the Home Office, first in the Police Department and later in the Criminal Policy Department. All that experience was used in her novels. She was a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature and of the Royal Society of Arts and served as a Governor of the BBC, a member of the Arts Council, where she was Chairman of the Literary Advisory Panel, on the Board of the British Council and as a magistrate in Middlesex and London. She was an Honorary Bencher of the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple. She won awards for crime writing in Britain, America, Italy and Scandinavia, including the Mystery Writers of America Grandmaster Award and The National Arts Club Medal of Honor for Literature (US). She received honorary degrees from seven British universities, was awarded an OBE in 1983 and was created a life peer in 1991. In 1997 she was elected President of the Society of Authors, stepping down from the post in August 2013.
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