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    定价:19.95 加拿大币
    上传日期:2006-2-27 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 000440

    English Summary/英文概要: Chinatown, Vancouver, in the late 1930s and ‘40s provides the setting for this poignant first novel, told through the vivid and intense reminiscences of the three younger children of an immigrant family. They each experience a very different childhood, depending on age and sex, as they encounter the complexities of birth and death, love and hate, kinship and otherness. Mingling with the realities of Canada and the horror of war are the magic, ghosts, paper uncles and family secrets of Poh-Poh, or Grandmother, who is the heart and pillar of the family.

    Wayson Choy’s Chinatown is a community of unforgettable individuals who are “neither this nor that,” neither entirely Canadian nor Chinese. But with each other’s help, they survive hardship and heartbreak with grit and humour.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 《The Jade Peony》是Wayson Choy第一部小说,是一本集合在二战时期在范库弗峰唐人街的一家人家里的发生故事。三姐弟讲述了他们不同的童年生活,每个人用他们自己的方法来生活。大姐Jook-Liang不被重视因为中国人的传统观念中女孩没有男孩有用,所以她渴望变成Shirley Temple;二弟Jung-Sum被人觉得像女孩子所以他通过练习拳击来展示他的强健,三弟Sekky,一直被祖母宠着,他不习惯在他身边的那些说中国方言的人,他变得沉迷于战争游戏中…

    Awards/获奖情况:“With its episodic forward movement and rich period detail, its delightful set pieces and flashback interpolations, The Jade Peony resembles a memoir in its texture” —New York Times "The Jade Peony is a sweet and funny novel ...[it] delights us with beautifully written prose, but it does more than that, too. It renders a complex and complete human world, which, by the end of 200-odd pages, we have learned to love."---Boston Book Review

    "Childhood lessons are quietly, powerfully drawn here, with Choy’s evocation of harsh immigrant reality nothing short of masterful."---Kirkus reviews

    "Although Choy’s work is fictional, it realistically echoes the difficult life struggles of early Chinese Cantonese immigrants as captured in such biographical works as Denise Chong’s The Concubine’s Children and Ben Fong-Torres’s The Rice Room"---Library Journal

    About the Author/作者介绍: Wayson Choy is the author of two novels and two memoirs. He was born and grew up in Vancouver’s Chinatown, and now lives in Toronto.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE(到期可授)

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

    Sales in other countries/其他国家销售情况:RIGHTS SOLD US: Other Press, 2007 Canada: Douglas & McIntyre Australia & New Zealand: Penguin Germany: Ullstein France: Les Editions XYZ Netherlands: De Vliegende Hollander Mainland China: Nankai University Press of Tianjin


