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    定价:25.00 美元
    上传日期:2004-4-15 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 11640004B04402

    English Summary/英文概要: Another Day in Paradise" is an anthology of first-person stories by international aid workers. Written by active aid workers and spanning the "hot spots" of the globe from Afghanistan to Cambodia, Rwanda to Vietnam and Ecuador to Bosnia, these stories tell it like it "really" is on the ground. Covering natural disaster, war and all-too-fragile peace, these stories open an uncensored window onto the lives of aid workers and the triumphs and tragedies of the people they are trying to help.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 这是一本以第一人称来记述的有关国际人道主义工作者的故事的选集.里面一个个动人的故事都是由这些工作者亲自撰写的.编者找到了这些人道主义工作者,请他们讲述自己的经历。其中有些人是英雄,但更多的是不愿坐视别人受苦的普通人。 它的内容围绕从阿富汗到柬埔寨,从卢旺达到越南,从厄瓜多尔到波斯尼亚的全球热点问题------这些地方的人们正在遭受最大的苦难.这些地方也最需要人道主义精神,最需要人们表现出慷慨,自我牺牲和激情。他们的这些故事将毫无保留的告诉人们这些工作者当时是怎样抛开了自己舒适安全的生活,来到这些地方经历许多人难以想象的危险,困苦和野蛮的考验和他们试图帮助的那些人们的胜利和悲剧.内容包含了自然灾害,战争和脆弱的和平.读者在阅读这些书时会感觉仿佛这些事就是在眼前发生的那样


    About the Author/作者介绍: Carol Bergman是纳粹大屠杀幸存者的后代,在纽约大学教写作。她的文章发表在许多美国报刊上,也写过几本书。
    Carol Bergman’s short stories, poems, and creative nonfiction have been published in Willow Review, Onion Review, A Room of One’s Own, Absinthe Literary Review, The Bridge, Potpourri, Epiphany and many other publications in the US and the UK. "Objects of Desire," appearing in Lilith and Whetstone Literary Review was nominated for a 1999 Pushcart Prize in nonfiction. "Another Day in Paradise; International Humanitarian Workers Tell Their Stories," with a foreword by John le Carré, was published by Orbis Books (US/​Canada) and Earthscan Books (UK/​Commowealth) in October, 2003 and was nominated for the J. Anthony Lukas Book Prize. It has been translated into Korean and Chinese. Her feature articles, essays, reviews and interviews have appeared in numerous publications in the UK and the US including The New York Times, The Times (of London), The Christian Science Monitor, The Daily News Magazine, The Amsterdam News, Newsday, Cosmopolitan, Woman’s World, Family Circle, Art Times, Cineaste, and Salon.com. She is the author of two film biographies (Mae West & Sidney Poitier) and the ghostwriter of Captain Kangaroo’s autobiography, "Growing Up Happy." A memoir, "Searching for Fritzi," was published in 1999. A book of novellas, "Sitting for Klimt," was published in 2007 and has received the Barnes & Noble/​iUniverse Editor’s Choice, Publisher’s Choice and Reader’s Choice awards. It is permanently installed in the Neue Galerie Bookstore. Her first murder mystery, "Say Nothing,"was published in 2010. Her first e-book, "Water Baby; Five Novellas," was published in Fall of 2011 and will be available in hard copy in January, 2012.
    Carol has a BA from the University of California at Berkeley and an MA in Media Studies from The New School. She is one of the founding faculty of Gotham Writers’ Workshop and has been teaching in the NYU writing program since 1997. She is also a writing coach, book doctor, and editor. Most of her private clients are working on books, but a few are experimenting with shorter forms. Most have succeeded in getting their work published. Others have completed essays for MFA applications or personal family histories that they have self-published, or presented as memoirs to publishers and agents.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE(到期可授)

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE(到期可授)

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