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    定价:12.99 GBP
    上传日期:2004-8-23 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 00532004B04479

    English Summary/英文概要: Nothing is right in the Land. King Matthew is indisposed, the city dominated by the malevolent Fang. Crops are dying and even the seagulls have lost direction. Leonardo Pegasus, retired magician, probes the murky depths of the Signal Network, where unseen forces vie for supremacy ...Ashleigh Brown, urban teenager, yearns for the open road, for the gaudy wagon of Wanderer Liam Blackwood ...Charles Bannister, wealthy businessman, plunders the Outer Isles, hunting for secret riches ...While across the Land, roaming bands of Seagull Drovers seek to guide lost gulls back to the coast - who may hold the key to all ills.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 一位老叟、一位少年再加上一位法师。三段故事互相交織,牵扯出一段美妙的魔法故事,古老的秘密夹杂着飘渺的未來,扣人心弦的剧情就此展开...危机四伏的阴霾正笼罩于这个庞大国家的上空。国王陛下遭人毒手而性命垂危,邪恶的爪牙霎时布满了整个城邦。田垄荒芜、百业衰败,即使连盘桓的海鸥亦顿时迷失了方向。
    危难之际,退隐多时的法师莱昂纳多.珀加索斯挺身而出,透过蛛丝马迹,他隐隐察觉到了一股无形的力量正于暗中觊觎着王权,伺机蠢蠢欲动... 富商查尔斯.巴尼斯特则正出没于奥特群岛之间,其目的便是企图染指那神秘的宝藏...与此同时,王国内的饲主们正纷纷试图指引迷路的海鸥归巢 - 因为其中的某只便极有可能携带着生死攸关的秘密...
    本书作者史蒂夫.科克恩(Steve Cockayne)在英國廣播公司擔任負責人五年,現在是媒體與生產研究授課老師。(ANDY)


    ’There is no faulting Cockayne’s story telling. His style is direct and simple, yet very engaging. He seems as equally comfortable writing pathos and humor as he is at dealing with myths and violence.’---SFREVU.COM

    ’A heady fusion of well-known fantasy tropes and the quiet oddness of everyday life, with a dash of social satire for good measure.’---ZONE- SF.COM

    ’A laudable and immensely readable debut from a sparkling new voice’---DIVERSEBOOKS.COM

    ’Original ... well written ... emotionally involving ...quite charming. An excellent beginning to a vibrant new fantasy saga’---THE ALIEN ONLINE

    ’There is no doubt that he is one to watch, writing fantasy far above the norm. His dialogue, sense of place and characterisation are outstanding.’---SFX

    About the Author/作者介绍: Head of Cameras & Lighting for the BBC for 5 years, Steve Cockayne is now a lecturer in Media & Production studies. He is currently restoring and reviving the family business, a Marionette Theatre, some of the characters from which provided the inspiration for the characters of this novel.
    史蒂夫.科克恩(Steve Cockayne)在英國廣播公司擔任負責人五年,現在是媒體與生產研究授課老師。


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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