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    定价:24.95 美元
    上传日期:2005-7-12 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 13005504B04642

    English Summary/英文概要: Follow Lois McMaster Bujold, one of the most honored authors in the field of fantasy and science fiction, to a land threatened by treacherous war and beset by demons -- as a royal dowager, released from the curse of madness and manipulated by an untrustworthy god, is plunged into a desperate struggle to preserve the endangered souls of a realm.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 我不再被生命的高墙拦阻,它们全倒了,成为石砾与尘埃。现在的我,是谁呢?

    Awards/获奖情况:“A well-paced and exciting book, PALADIN [OF SOULS] is a perfect blend of might, magic, and character development.”---Library Journal

    The eagerly awaited sequel to The Curse of Chalion (2001) continues the story of the world of Chalion, though not strictly of Chalion, after Iselle and Bergon have defeated one lot of enemies and celebrated their wedding. Paladin of Souls focuses, however, on Iselle’s mother, Ista. Three years free of the madness that kept her imprisoned in her family’s castle, Ista is finally released from her last remaining duties by the death of her mother. She undertakes a pilgrimage, but doesn’t get far before she is overtaken by trouble, sorrow, need, and a host of other adversities. Chalion is in trouble again, thanks to the plots, counterplots, machinations, and follies of men and of gods, and Ista is perforce on the front lines. Bujold couldn’t characterize badly if threatened with a firing squad, and what really keeps one turning the pages is the fascinating cast of characters--not that the plot is anything to sneeze at. Only dedicated addicts of Bujold’s Vorkosigan saga will be miffed that she has given us this book rather than that sf series’ next installment, for Bujold is also head and shoulders above the ruck of current fantasists as well as science-fictionists.---Roland Green, From Booklist

    In this sequel to The Curse of Chalion (2001), rich in sumptuous detail and speculative theology, dowager royina Ista Dy Baocia undertakes a pilgrimage to ease her soul-and finds instead that in Chalion, Bujold’s handsomely crafted fantasy world ruled by Five Gods "just around some strange corner of perception," a more dangerous fate awaits than she could ever have imagined. Swordplay and sorcery sweep sensitive, sensible 40-year-old Ista into Chalion’s border stronghold of Porifors, where enemy Roknari incursions and demons from the Fifth God’s hell threaten Ista’s realm, held precariously at bay by the charismatic Arhys dy Lutez. Ista’s romantic quest to save Arhys and his magnetic half-brother, Illvin, teems with equal parts of unearthly magic and down-to-earth quasi-medieval lore. Despite an occasional lapse into adolescent angst and spurts of superficial dialogue, high fantasy fans should thrill at Ista’s spiritual perils, while horse admirers of all ages should savor even Ista’s saddle sores. This engaging installment of Chalion’s mythical history whets the appetite for new marvels yet to come. FYI: Bujold has won both Hugo and Nebula awards.---From Publishers Weekly

    About the Author/作者介绍: 洛伊斯•麦克马斯特•比约德,1949年生于美国俄亥俄州,是迄今为止获奖最多的女性科幻作家。
    1986年以《Shards of Honor》名声鹊起,以此作衍生出极受欢迎的招牌系列《Vorkosigan Saga》。她的创作迭获佳评与奖项肯定,包括三度星云奖、五度雨果奖。此外,作品也经常在《轨迹》杂志举办的最佳年度小说票选榜上名列前茅。近年又新开奇幻小说《五神传说》等系列,再度大放光彩。育有一对子女,现居美国明尼苏达州。
    Lois McMaster Bujold burst upon the science fiction world in 1986 with the first of the Miles Vorkosigan Saga novels, Shards of Honor. She has won the Hugo award four times, and the Nebula award twice.Her short story, Labyrinth won first place in Analog Magazine’s annual awards.Having already created a classic hero in the form of Miles Vorkosigan, and captured a cult following the process, Lois McMaster Bujold now takes up her prolific pen to produce an epic of the most fantastic magnitude. A brilliant and detailed landscape populated with illustrious and demonic characters, ushers the arrival of a hero for the twenty-first century.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE(到期可授)

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