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    上传日期:2005-10-3 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 03635004B04665

    English Summary/英文概要: At age fourteen, she swam twenty-six miles from Catalina Island to the California mainland.
    At ages fifteen and sixteen, she broke the men’s and women’s world records for swimming the English Channel—a thirty-three-mile crossing in nine hours, thirty-six minutes.
    At eighteen, she swam the twenty-mile Cook Strait between North and South Islands of New Zealand, was caught on a massive swell, found herself after five hours farther from the finish than when she started, and still completed the swim.
    She was the first to swim the Strait of Magellan, the most treacherous three-mile stretch of water in the world.
    The first to swim the Bering Strait—the channel that forms the boundary line between the United States and Russia—from Alaska to Siberia, thereby opening the U.S.-Soviet border for the first time in forty-eight years, swimming in thirty-eight-degree water in four-foot waves without a shark cage, wet suit, or lanolin grease.
    The first to swim the Cape of Good Hope (a shark emerged from the kelp, its jaws wide open, and was shot as it headed straight for her).
    In this extraordinary book, the world’s most extraordinary distance swimmer writes about her emotional and spiritual need to swim and about the almost mystical act of swimming itself.
    Lynne Cox trained hard from age nine, working with an Olympic coach, swimming five to twelve miles each day in the Pacific. At age eleven, she swam even when hail made the water “like cold tapioca pudding” and was told she would one day swim the English Channel. Four years later—not yet out of high school—she broke the men’s and women’s world records for the Channel swim. In 1987, she swam the Bering Strait from America to the Soviet Union—a feat that, according to Gorbachev, helped diminish tensions between Russia and the United States.
    Lynne Cox’s relationship with the water is almost mystical: she describes swimming as flying, and remembers swimming at night through flocks of flying fish the size of mockingbirds, remembers being escorted by a pod of dolphins that came to her off New Zealand.
    She has a photographic memory of her swims. She tells us how she conceived of, planned, and trained for each, and re-creates for us the experience of swimming (almost) unswimmable bodies of water, including her most recent astonishing one-mile swim to Antarctica in thirty-two-degree water without a wet suit. She tells us how, through training and by taking advantage of her naturally plump physique, she is able to create more heat in the water than she loses.
    Lynne Cox has swum the Mediterranean, the three-mile Strait of Messina, under the ancient bridges of Kunning Lake, below the old summer palace of the emperor of China in Beijing. Breaking records no longer interests her. She writes about the ways in which these swims instead became vehicles for personal goals, how she sees herself as the lone swimmer among the waves, pitting her courage against the odds, drawn to dangerous places and treacherous waters that, since ancient times, have challenged sailors in ships.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 她,成功穿越麥哲倫海峽的第一人
    麥哲倫海峽(註[S1] )長563公里(註[S2] ),地勢相當險峻,
    2000年,入選國際游泳名人堂(註[S3] ),
    在《游向南極》中,Lynne Cox這位世界頂級游泳家要講述游泳背後的情感和精神動力,破解游泳挑戰極限的奧秘。
    那些游泳的經歷就好像一幀幀照片一樣,時常劃過她的記憶。現在,破世界記錄對她來說已經不是重點,每一次挑戰,是個人目標的實現。在這本書中,她告訴我們每一次創舉背後是如何醞釀、策劃,成功的背後要付出多大的艱苦訓練,她如何看待自己在兇湧的海浪中獨自暢遊?如何憑藉勇氣來抵抗種種困難?為什麼那些自古開始就讓無數揚帆的水手們束手無策的危險、險峻的水域會讓她如此癡迷?其中還提到最近一次驚人之舉 -- 她不穿緊身潛水衣就在攝氏32度的水溫中橫渡了一英里的水域最後抵達南極洲。
    Lynne Cox與水有很深的緣份,她非常享受悠游在水中的感覺,她難忘在夜間穿梭在飛魚群中的快樂,還有一次在紐西蘭海岸附近,被一群海豚一路護送的經驗。
    Lynne Cox從九歲接始接受成為選手的魔鬼訓練,在奧運會專職教練的帶領下,每天要在太平洋遊上5-12英哩。十一歲的時候,她已經像大海的孩子一樣,非常艱毅勇敢,即使漫天的冰雹把海水弄成像一道西米露冰沙,她也毫不退縮,當時就有人說,這女孩總有一天會橫渡英吉利海峽(註)[S4] 。四年之後,高中都還沒畢業,就破了當時的橫渡英吉利海峽的世界記錄。
    1987年,她從美國橫渡白令海峽抵達了蘇維埃(註)[S5] 。當時戈巴契夫說,這是一次壯舉,緩解了美蘇之間的隔閡(時值冷戰時期)。她是第一位橫渡白令海峽的人,從阿拉斯加出發抵達西伯利亞,她這次橫渡代表四十八年來美蘇邊境第一次的開放,在攝氏38度的海水中衝破著四英尺高的巨浪,沒有防鯊器,不穿緊身潛水衣,也不塗綿羊油。


    About the Author/作者介绍: Lynne Cox was born in Boston, Massachusetts, and grew up in Los Alamitos, California. She received her B.A. from the University of California at Santa Barbara. Cox was named Los Angeles Times Woman of the Year in 1975, inducted into the Swimming Hall of Fame in 2000, and honored with a lifetime achievement award from U.C. Santa Barbara. Her articles have appeared in The New Yorker, Los Angeles Times Magazine, and European Car Magazine. Cox lives in Los Alamitos, California.
    Lynne Cox出生於波士頓,在加洲的Los Alamitos長大,畢業於加州大學聖塔芭芭拉分校的。1975年,Cox被《洛杉磯時報》(Los Angeles Times)評選為年度最偉大的女性,2000年的時候入選國際游泳名人堂,並被加州大學聖塔芭芭拉分校授予終身成就獎。她的文章經常出現在《紐約人報》(The New Yorker)、《洛杉磯時報》、《歐洲汽車雜誌》(European Car Magazine)上。


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