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    定价:16.95 美元
    上传日期:2004-7-28 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 08013004B05284

    English Summary/英文概要: Becoming aware of your personal energy is the first step toward understanding and maximizing its power. The Energy SourceBook can help you discover the fundamentals of personal energy-how to balance, increase, and use it for healing yourself and others.

    Experienced in both traditional and alternative healing, Dr. Jill Henry explores four energy theories in depth: meditation, feng shui, polarity energy balance, and chakra work. Energy work is a highly effective, yet easy, tool for well-being and transformation. This comprehensive guide teaches you the techniques behind the theories, offering more than 150 simple exercises and activities.

    •Determine your mind-body type with a polarity energy self-assessment • Unblock trapped physical and mental energy patterns for greater well-being • Assist others to release their own energy blocks • Perform simple yet powerful exercises to balance emotions and promote healing • Discover how to use relaxation and meditation as catalysts for positive change • Apply universal energy laws to help resolve problems-physical, mental, financial, environmental, and more • Attract good health, harmony, and balance into your life using feng shui • Use energy work to help build a more peaceful and abundant world

    Coalition of Visionary Resources (COVR) tied-2nd Runner Up for Alternative Health category

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 意识到你的个人能量是了解并最大化利用该力量的第一步。《能量资料集》将帮助您发现个人能量的基本原理——如何平衡、加强、利用能量来治愈自身和他人。

    作者Jill Henry博士具有传统治愈及另类治愈领域的研究经验,深入探讨了四大能量理论:冥想、风水、两级能量平衡、轮穴(chakra)。能量疗法非常有效,并且操作简单。这本全面的指南向您讲解了理论背后的技巧,提供了超过150种简单的练习和活动。

    •通过两级能量自我测试确定您的心灵-身体类型 • 解锁身心能量、追求健康幸福 • 通过简单、有效的练习平衡情感、促进治愈 • 学习如何利用放松、冥想来寻求自我改变 • 运用普遍能量原则解决身体、心理、财务和环境等各类问题 • 利用风水理论将健康、和谐、平衡引入到您的生活 • 利用能量疗法打造一个更和平、更丰富的世界(LYR)


    This book was wonderful! It was very enlightening at that! The author went indepth on many topics... A must read indeed!

    About the Author/作者介绍: Jill Henry 博士(卡罗莱纳州) 是形而上学及另类治愈领域的领导者,其使命是“探索、促进、改善健康”。凭借其物理疗法副教授的学术背景以及发展与学习变革领域的论文研究, Henry博士将传统知识与能量医学和自我治愈的全新领域结合起来,她是一名执业体能极性疗法从业者、职业理疗师,同时也是一名老师、企业家、顾问、作家、演讲家兼网络管理员。


    Dr.Jill Henry (North Carolina), Ed. D., PT, is a leader in the metaphysical and alternative healing fields. Her mission is “to Explore, Facilitate, and Advance Well Being.” With her academic background as a tenured Associate Professor of Physical Therapy and her dissertation research in Development and Learning for Transformation, Dr. Henry bridges the gap between traditional knowledge and the new paradigms of Energy Medicine and Self-Healing. She is a certified Associate Polarity Practitioner, a licensed Physical Therapist, a teacher, business owner, consultant, writer, speaker, and webmaster.
    Dr. Henry has been presenting workshops in Meditation, Energy Healing, Paradigm Shifts, Adult Learning, and Self-Transformation for health-care professionals and academic faculties, business executives, and the general public for over twenty years. With her husband Charlie, she owns and operates a website, www.mountainvalleycenter.com, a well-being resource store, Mountain Valley Center, and the Otto Labyrinth park in North Carolina’s Smoky Mountains.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

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