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    定价:9.99 英镑
    上传日期:2012-3-15 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 06580002B7290

    English Summary/英文概要: Magical, provocative, at times spine-chilling, A Whistling Woman is the consummate novel of ideas made flesh. It stands on its own, while also serving as the triumphant conclusion to A. S. Byatt’s fictional quartet (The Virgin in the Garden, Still Life, Babel Towet) about English life from the early i95os to 1970. .

    A Whistling Woman opens in the late 1960s,as the world begins to split, and as Frederica--the spirited heroine of the novels--falls almost by accident into a career in television in London. Tumultuous events in her home county of Yorkshire threaten to change her life and the lives of those she loves. ..

    Meanwhile, near the university, where the scientists Luk and Jacqueline are studying snails and neurones and the workings of the brain, an "anti-university" springs up. On the high moors nearby a gentle therapeutic community is taken over by a turbulent, charismatic leader. Visions of blood and flames, of mirrors and doubles, share the refracting energy of Frederica’s mosaic-like television shows. The languages of religion, myth, and fairy tale overlap with the terms of science and the new computer age. Darkness and light are in perpetual tension and the meaning of love itself seems to vanish. People flounder--often comically--seeking their true sexual, intellectual, and emotional identities.

    With her wayward, lovingly drawn characters and breathtaking twists of plot, A. S. Byatt illuminates the effervescence of the 1960s--both the excitement and the danger--as no one has done before. Gloriously sensual, sexy, and scary, A Whistling Woman is bursting with ideas, contradictions, scientific discoveries, ethical conflicts, sly humour, and wonderful humanity. ...

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 《吹笛女人》描寫了古怪、恐怖、危險的20世紀60年代,以及一個被時代改變命運的女人。




    About the Author/作者介绍: 對於英國人而言,這是一位舉足輕重的作家。A.S.拜厄特,正式頭銜是安東尼婭•蘇珊•拜厄特女勳爵(Dame Antonia Susan Byatt),1936年8月出生於英國約克郡。她先後在英國劍橋大學紐漢姆學院、美國布林茅爾學院和英國牛津大學瑟蒙威爾學院學習。1990年,她被授予“大英帝國司令勳章”(CBE);1999年被授予“大英帝國爵級司令勳章”(DBE)。現為英國皇家文學協會會員。原本可以成為語言學家或者哲學家的拜厄特,最終“以獨具一格的想像力與博古通今的智慧享譽當代英美文壇”。 她的《佔有》被評論為“一部完美的作品,從頭到尾都是大師手筆”,“一個時代最激蕩心靈的作品”,同年,該書一舉摘得英語小說界最高榮譽—布克獎。此外,《佔有》還被《紐約時報》譽為“文學史上的華麗壯舉”,被英國《衛報》評為“生命中不可缺少的100部書”,被英國BBC列入“英國人最喜歡的100部文學經典”,被美國《時代週刊》選入“100部世紀最佳英語小說”。2002年,《佔有》還被改編成了電影,因此賺的版稅足夠讓拜厄特在法國買下一所帶游泳池的別墅。


    A. S. Byatt is internationally acclaimed as a novelist, short story writer and critic. Her most recent novel, outside this tetralogy, is The Biographer’s Tale. Educated at York and Newnham College, Cambridge, she taught at the Central School of Art and Design, and was Senior lecturer in English at University College, London, before becoming a full-time writer in 1983. She was appointed CBE in 1990 and DBE in 1999.

    A.S.拜厄特(A.S.Byatt)是当今英国最有影响力的作家之一,她集文学批评家和小说家于一身,被誉为当代最有魄力、最有智慧的小说家之一。 拜厄特1936年8月24日生于英国的谢菲尔德市。1957年在剑桥大学获学士学位,接着又读了两年研究生。后在伦敦大学教授英美文学。其它作品有: 《太阳的阴影》(Shadow of a Sun) 《游戏》(The Game) 《平静的生活》(Still Life)等。


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