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    定价:16.95 USD
    上传日期:2005-4-4 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 04300004B05516

    English Summary/英文概要: In the not-too-distant future, in a place called Satellite City, thirteen-year-old Cosmo Hill is unfortunate enough to come into the world unwanted by his parents. And so, as are all orphaned boys his age, Cosmo is dipped in a vaccine vat and sent to the Clarissa Frayne. At Clarissa Frayne, the orphans, called "no-sponsors," are put to work by the state, testing dangerous products that never should be allowed near human beings. By the time the no-sponsors are sent to their cardboard utility pipes, given their nightly meal pack, and finally fall asleep, they are often covered in burns, bruises, or sores from the work of the day. Cosmo Hill knows that he must escape, even though he has no idea what might be waiting for him on the outside. He plans for the moment when he can make a break. When that moment finally comes, he nearly dies while escaping. But he is rescued by a gang of "Supernaturalists," a motley crew of kids who all have a special psychic ability...

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 在不久的未來時代,有一個叫「衛星」的城市。13歲的寇斯摩(Cosmo Hill)因被父母拋棄,而不幸地來到這個地方。城市中所有他這個年紀的孤兒,都要先在一個裝滿疫苗的大桶內泡澡,然後被送往一個叫做克拉瑞薩‧弗萊恩(Clarissa Frayne)的地方。

    Awards/获奖情况:版權已賣40國 美國銷量高達350萬本

    About the Author/作者介绍: 此書同時榮獲Publisher Weekly、Kirkus、School Library Journal一致推薦為”Starred review”重點書籍
    * 英國Waterstone’s書店已開始進行一連串預購活動,並可線上試讀第一章http://www.waterstones.com/waterstonesweb/displayProductDetails.do?sku=5972148
    * 英美出版社宣傳影片: http://eoincolfer.com/news/category/airman/ STARRED review from the 12 November 2007 issue of
    Publishers Weekly: Eoin Colfer. Airman. Hyperion, $17.99 (416p) ISBN 978-1-4231-0750-0 An homage both to the 19th-century science fiction of H.G. Wells and Jules Verne, and to the superheroes of Marvel and DC comics, Colfer’s latest brims with boy appeal. The story starts with the hero’s portentous birth in a hot air balloon above the 1878 World’s Fair, in Paris. But Conor Broekhart’s home lies in the Saltee Islands, two (real) islets off the Irish coast, where he is raised as a favorite son, his best friend being Princess Isabella, King Nicholas’s only heir. His key association, however, is with Isabella’s tutor, a Frenchman who takes Conor under his wing, instructing him in fencing, fighting and the fledgling science of human flight—a consuming passion for many in the decade before the Wright Brothers’ 1905 breakthrough. While the king is a progressive pacifist, his economy hums on the strength of diamonds mined in Little Saltee by prisoners under the control of Hugo Bonvilain, a Machiavellian despot harboring a deep grudge against the king. When Conor inadvertently witnesses a coup d’état, Bonvilain twists facts to ensure the boy gets sentenced to mining gems in dank caves. The race to fly becomes more than a scientific pursuit; it turns into Conor’s only chance to escape. Artemis Fowl fans will flock to this novel, and the polished, sophisticated storytelling here deserves an even wider audience than that bestseller. Conor Broekhart’s superpower is his brain, and he uses his smarts to fight tyranny. A tour de force. Ages 10-up. (Jan.)


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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