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    定价:6.99 英镑
    上传日期:2004-6-24 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 10000004B05684

    English Summary/英文概要: In a blaze of light, rush of wind and scrabble of claws, Rachel and Eric are ripped through a wall onto another world. Like thousands before them, they have been snatched by the Witch!

    Rachel discovers that she has extraordinary gifts - magical gifts similar to the Witch’s own. The Witch is excited to have found someone she thinks she can use for her own evil purposes. But, for the Witch’s victims, Rachel is the only hope . . .

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 在黑暗的星球上,降下漫天黑雪,急风怒吼,这就是邪恶魔法支配一切的伊斯列世界!在那儿,女巫以魔咒创造令人战栗的生物,他们绑架了许多小孩来当奴隶……

    Awards/获奖情况:★「生动的魔法世界。」 ──《时代杂志》(The Times)

    ★「童书的全新精彩出击。」 ──《书商杂志》(The Bookseller)

    ★「本书引人入胜、生动有趣,孩子们争相传阅。」──《卫报》(The Guardian)


    ★「一本超赞的奇幻小说,让孩子们伸长了脖子盼望续集完成。」──《快递爸妈》(Express Parent)

    About the Author/作者介绍: 克里夫.麦可尼许(Cliff McNish)是信息技术专家。他以引人入胜的述事方法和描写诩诩如生的画面写就〈魔咒首部曲──末日咒语〉,《末日咒语》甫一推出,就令所有成人与小孩深深着迷于书中的魔咒世界,成为最受欢迎的新一代奇幻文学作家。克里夫常对女儿说故事,〈魔咒三部曲〉就是他将口述的故事跃然纸上的成果。《末日咒语》是他的第一本着作,也是为了女儿瑞秋而写成的故事;之后〈魔咒二部曲──魔女军团〉与〈魔咒三部曲──巫师誓言〉也大受欢迎,造成一股〈魔咒〉旋风。
    Cliff McNish was born in Sunderland, but has spent most of his life in the southeast of England. His first book was THE DOOMSPELL, inspired by a story he told his young daughter. Since then he has published THE SILVER SEQUENCE and the highly-acclaimed stand-alone supernatural thrillers, BREATHE (winner of the Salford and Calderdale book awards), ANGEL, SAVANNAH GREY and THE HUNTING GROUND. His books have been translated into 23 languages, and are published to acclaim in the US.

    Geoff Taylor was born in Lancaster, England in 1946. He studied Graphic Design at Chesterfield College of Art. After five years or so of working in advertising agencies in Nottingham, Geoff turned to illustrating book covers for most of the top fantasy writers of our time, both adult and children’s fiction. Geoff was one of the illustrators for the legendary Jeff Wayne’s Musical Version of "The War of the Worlds" album. Since 1994 he has added to some of the rich imagery of "Games Workshop" and the Black Library. Perhaps his true passions are best reflected in his wildlife paintings, especially wolves. He now lives in Cumbria with his wife. Find out more from his website www.geofftaylor.btinternet.co.uk.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE(到期可授)

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE(到期可授)

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