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    定价:25.00 USD
    上传日期:2004-7-7 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 03890004B05908

    English Summary/英文概要: The narrative history of playback technology, from the Victrola to MP3: how the technology shapes the music, how the music changes the technology, and how technology drives the business.
    Suddenly, popular music resembles an alien landscape. The great common ground of 45s, LPs, and even compact discs is rapidly falling by the wayside to be replaced by binary bits of sound. In the 21st century, radical advances in music technology threaten to overshadow the music itself. Indeed, today the generations divide over how they listen to the music, not what kinds of music they enjoy.
    Playback is the first book to place the staggering history of sound reproduction within its larger social and cultural context. Concisely told via a narrative arc that begins with Edison’s cylinder and ends with digital music, this is a history that we have all directly experienced in one way or another. From the Victrola to the 78 to the 45 to the 33 1/3 to the 8track to the cassette to the compact disc to MP3 and beyond (not to mention everyone from Thomas Edison to Enrico Caruso to Dick Clark to Grandmaster Flash to Napster CEO Shawn Fanning), the story of Playback is also the story of music, and the music business, in the 20th century.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 科技是如何影响音乐发展的,是怎样推动商机的,而音乐又是如何改变科技的呢?流行音乐一下子变的面目全非了,45s,LPs机,甚至是CD大片领地已慢慢被双声道音乐所替换。在21世纪,音乐技术的突飞猛进已威胁到音乐本身,俨然有喧宾夺主之势。如今,处于不同年龄段的人们对如何听音乐产生了重大分歧,而不是仅仅局限于他们听的是何种音乐。本书回顾了100年间从最老式的维克多手摇留声机到最新的MP3,还有音乐的再生及其播放设备发展的历史。每分钟45转的老式唱片,密纹唱片,盒式磁带,激光唱片,一个接一个地走上舞台,又一个接一个地悄然隐身。如今,代际的差别不仅是听什么音乐,而且还有用什么设备来听音乐。作者还介绍了从爱迪生起,直到最近的数字音乐为止的在音乐再生和播放方面有贡献的发明家的故事。


    About the Author/作者介绍: 马克•考勒曼(Mark Coleman)是个新闻记者,常为“滚石”等杂志写稿。


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE(到期可授)

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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