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    定价:16.99 USD
    上传日期:2004-11-9 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 00500004B05970

    English Summary/英文概要: In the beautiful Garden of Eden there is God. Magnificent, all-powerful and dangerous. And there is the Serpent. A wise, loving and seductive teacher, ready to nurture Eve’s every moment. And then there is Adam. Lithe, beautiful and physical. And finally comes Eve. Enchanting, passionate, lively and always questioning as she struggles with God’s power, the whims of Adam and the problem of free will.

    This compelling debut novel brings controversial insight and inspiring freshness to one of the oldest tales on earth, exploring questions of personal responsibility, justice and freedom.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 上帝就住在美麗的伊甸園裡。他莊嚴肅穆,無所不能,因而也非常危險。此外,這裡還住著一條巨蛇。他機智聰明,活潑可愛,因而是一位非常具有魅惑力的師長。而且他打算全方位地改造夏娃。當然,這裡還有一個叫做亞當的男子。他輕盈敏捷,英俊瀟灑,身形矯健。這裡的最後一個人就是夏娃了。她嫵媚動人,奔放熱情,充滿活力,而且她一直在質疑上帝的威力與亞當的怪念頭,並為自由意志而與它們做鬥爭。



    About the Author/作者介绍: 埃爾西.阿迪諾夫曾就讀于史密斯學院和哥倫比亞大學。迄今為止,她已在巴黎,布魯塞爾,香港,倫敦以及紐約等多個城市定居過。從1965年加入紐約市校園志願者計畫,擔任中學導師開始,作者幾乎將一生都奉獻給了教育事業。1980年後,作者一直在位於哈勒姆區一個叫做Children’s Storefront School的公費私立學校工作,除了老師這個身份,她還是一名管理員和託管人。作者目前已是四個孩子的母親,她與律師丈夫住在紐約市。

    Elsie Vanderbilt Aidinoff is the daughter of William and Anne Vanderbilt. After graduating from Smith, where she majored in French, she moved to New York to study history at Columbia University’s graduate school. In 1953, Elsie married Andre Newburg, and two years later moved to France. The family remained in Europe (Paris and Brussels) for eight years, and later lived in Hong Kong and London. On her return to the States in 1964, Elsie joined the New York City School Volunteer Program. For seven years she tutored non-readers at Junior High School 45 on 120th Street, at a time when enthusiasm for chaos was high, and it was not unusual to have chairs flying through the air. In 1968, Elsie became a Trustee of the School Volunteer Program, and was Board Chair from 1976-1982, with a nine-month hiatus in Hong Kong, where she ran a preschool program for 250 children at Shamshuipo, a refugee camp for Vietnamese boat people.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE(到期可授)

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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