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    上传日期:2004-11-24 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 08600004B07691

    English Summary/英文概要: There is something deeply wrong with America. The American dream has become a global nightmare from which we all need to awake as quickly as possible. In this hard-hitting sequel to their best-selling Why Do People Hate America?, Ziauddin Sardar and Merryl Wyn Davies explore the myths that sustain America’s belief in itself, and the global consequences to which these myths lead. Ranging from the vision of the Founding Fathers to the myth-making machine of Hollywood, the book investigates the persistent dream in which America is determined to live, and the dangerous ‘sleep of reason’ necessary to sustain it. America’s cultural delusions are a grotesque imbalance between fantasy and reality, a danger to us all as, propelled by power, mythology and paranoia, the US pursues its dream of empire. As recent events in Iraq and elsewhere have shown, it is a dream whose dark side is death, suffering, perpetual fear, an increasing divide between rich and poor, a squandering of the human future, and the relentless building of more and more pretexts for future wars.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 美国鼓子里面有问题。美国梦想已经成了全世界的噩梦了,我们都要尽快清醒过来。这本措辞激烈的书是继前一本两位合作的《为什么人人都恨美利坚》大卖后的续集,在这本书里,两位作者探询了美利坚赖以自信的神话以及这些神话给全世界带来的影响。从国父们的先见之明,谈到神话创造者-----好莱坞 ,《美国梦,全球噩梦》研究了那个美利坚一心一意要实现的梦想,以及它赖以生存的危险的“理智的沉睡”理念。 美利坚的文化幻觉,可以说是幻觉与现实间失衡的结果,正因为美利间是在权利、神话和妄想的驱使实现它的帝国梦想,所以它的文化幻觉对所有人都构成了威胁,。近期在伊拉克以及世界各地发生的事件表明,美国梦其实就是死亡、苦楚、恒久恐惧的代名词,就是越拉越大的贫富差距,就是对人类未来的肆意消耗,也是一直在为发动未来战争找更多借口。


    About the Author/作者介绍: Ziauddin Sardar is a writer, broadcaster and cultural critic. His numerous books include Orientalism (1999), The A to Z of Postmodern Life (2002), the international bestseller Why Do People Hate America? (2002) and, more recently, Desperately Seeking Paradise: Journeys of a Sceptical Muslim. Considered one of the top intellectuals in Britain, he is known for his regular contributions to the New Statesman and national and international newspapers and magazines. Merryl Wyn Davies is a writer and anthropologist. She is the author of a number of books, including the highly acclaimed Knowing One Another: Shaping an Islamic Anthropology (1988), and is co-author of Barbaric Others: A Manifesto on Western Racism (1993). Her most recent books are Darwin and Fundamentalism (2000) and Why Do People Hate America? (2002). Forever Welsh, she lives and works in Merthyr Tydfil. Ziauddin Sardar身兼数职,他既是作家、播音员,还是文化评论员。他的众多作品包括1999年的《 东方主义 》, 2002年的《后现代主义生活从零开始》,2002年全球畅销小说《为什么人人都恨美利坚》,以及较新作品 《玩命寻天堂:一位半信半疑的穆斯林信徒的征途》。, Ziauddin Sardar是英国为数不多的几位顶级知识分子中的一员,他定期为《新政客》以及全国各地和国外的各大报刊杂志投稿,他就是这样被大家逐渐了解的。 作家兼人类学家Merryl Wyn Davies,作品包括:1988年的《互相了解:塑造伊斯兰人类学》,1993年与别人合出过《野蛮另一伙:西方种族主义宣言》,较近期的作品有:2000年的《达尔文和基地主义》,2002年的《为什么


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