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    上传日期:2011-2-1 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 14780010B00803

    English Summary/英文概要: Popular biographer Greg King revisits the love story of the century with sympathy in this story about the romantic marriage between King Edward VIII and Wallis Warfield Simpson, a twice-divorced American. of photos.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 一個出身不高,其貌不揚,還離過兩次婚的美國平民女子

    知名傳記作家喬治‧金(Greg King)重新撰述歷史上知名的浪漫皇室愛情故事:英王愛德華八世和美國平民辛普森夫人之間的坎坷感情路。辛普森夫人曾離過兩次婚,出身不高,身分又是平民,因此兩人的婚姻曾遭到英國全國上下的反對。英王愛德華八世為了與辛普森夫人結婚,不惜放棄王位以維護兩人愛情。由於辛普森夫人在當時不被英國人喜愛,因此一直以來,歷史上關於她的故事都比較負面,她常被塑造成一個不檢點又愛蠱惑男人的女人,作者喬治‧金在此書中試圖以較公平公正的觀點去看待這一段歷史。


    ★ 溫莎夫人的故事即將躍上大銀幕!《溫莎公爵夫人》由瑪丹娜執導,由凱特布蘭琪飾演溫莎夫人一角
    ★ 與此書相關的電影《王者之聲:宣戰時刻》(The King’s Speech)榮獲奧斯卡獎,於今年3月在台灣上映,由勇奪第68屆金球獎戲劇類最佳男主角,演出作品有《BJ單身日記》、《媽媽咪呀》等電影的知名演員柯林佛斯(Colin Firth)主演

    It may not be the greatest story ever told, but the tale of the duke and duchess of Windsor (formerly King Edward VIII of Britain and Wallis Warfield Simpson of Baltimore) is certainly one of the most perennial stories ever told. King, author of The Last Empress (1994), about the consort of Nicholas II of Russia, and The Man Who Killed Rasputin (1995), the story of the murder of the monk who obsessed the last czar and his wife, now throws another biography of the duchess of Windsor into the ring. It is not exactly a whitewash, but it is the author’s intention to cast a good light on his subject. The duchess certainly was no villain, and although King seems a little naive in places when it comes to explaining her actions and reasoning, he is right on target when insisting that the royal family did much to damage the duchess’ image by undermining her at every possible turn, even long after the abdication. For comprehensive collections of royal history.---Brad Hooper, From Booklist

    This readable, thoroughly researched biography of the much maligned duchess convincingly lays to rest much of the negative gossip including reports of her sexual eccentricities that swirled around the duchess and her husband in the nearly 40 years they were married. King (The Last Empress, not reviewed, etc.) set out to write ``a fair and favorable’’ biography of Wallis Warfield Simpson, the twice-divorced woman whose last husband, King Edward VIII of England, abdicated his throne in order to marry her. King has succeeded for the most part, illuminating details of Wallis’s dramatic life from her birth near Baltimore in 1896 to her lonely death in Paris nearly 90 years later. Outlining a privileged, although not affluent, upbringing in Baltimore society, the author describes her subjects first marriage to a US Navy flier who was verbally and physically abusive; and her second marriage to Ernest Simpson, who brought her to live in London, where she met the then prince of Wales, soon to become king. Although Wallis was neither beautiful or brilliant, Edward (called David by intimates) ``seemed bewitched,’’ showering her with attention and jewels. Her appeal lay in her southern charm and ability to focus completely on the man she loved, asserts King. Once she was married, Wallis’s commitment to decorating houses, visiting couturiers, and creating for her husband a life appropriate to the former king of England was relieved by the Windsors’ service in the Bahamas during WWII. Wallis worked long and arduous days to improve health and education facilities for the poor of the Bahamas. Throughout the Windsors’ marriage, the British royal family remained intransigent over extending any recognition to Wallis; the couple remained exiles from England, riding the social circuit between France and the US. It still seems a shallowand self-indulgent lifestyle, despite King’s efforts to give it heft. Still, an intriguing slice of history with its centerpiece a royal romance nearly as riveting as the saga of Charles and Diana. (24 pages photos, not seen)---From Kirkus Reviews

    About the Author/作者介绍: 喬治‧金(Greg King)是知名傳記作家,曾寫過許多關於俄國皇室的作品,主要描寫羅曼諾夫家族的歷史。作品包括《末代王朝:亞歷山德拉皇后的一生及其時代》(The Last Empress: The Life and Times of Alexandra Feodorovna)、《俄國沙皇皇后》(Tsarina of Russia)、《肅清俄國王朝:處決拉斯普欽》(The Man Who Killed Rasputin: Prince Felix Youssoupov)和《帝國的衰亡:謀殺羅曼諾夫王朝》(the Murder That Helped Bring Down the Russian Empire)。他同時也在美國多個電視頻道擔任評論員,包含教學頻道(the Learning Channel)、歷史頻道(the History Channel)、探索頻道(the Discovery Channel)和藝術與娛樂頻道(the Arts and Entertainment Channel)。

    Greg King is the coauthor of The Fate of the Romanovs (Wiley). His previous works include The Last Empress: The Life and Times of Alexandra Feodorovna, Tsarina of Russia and The Man Who Killed Rasputin: Prince Felix Youssoupov and the Murder That Helped Bring Down the Russian Empire. He has worked as an on-screen commentator with the Learning Channel, the History Channel, the Discovery Channel, and the Arts and Entertainment Channel.


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