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    上传日期:2004-10-27 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 13160004B07867

    English Summary/英文概要: In a world dominated by technological change, it is easy to forget the importance of plants: they feed us, clothe us, clean us, protect us, cure us, transport us and entertain us. Every day, plants play a fundamental role in our lives. "Plants for People" gives us an insight into the countless, often surprising ways in which we use plants - from the woodpulp in our clothing and the soya in fast food, to new medicines from daffodil bulbs (for Alzheimer’s), yew leaves and hazel nuts (for cancers), and sunflower and rape seeds providing cleaner fuel for our cars. Plants are essential to our lives, yet the ways in which we manage them are seriously harming people and environments worldwide. "Plants for People" considers practical and ethical issues such as organic production, bio-piracy and the Fairtrade movement. Its mission: to help us save the diversity of plant life on earth, and to treat as equals the millions of people whose knowledge and services support us every day.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 在一个科技革新唱主角的世界里,植物的重要渐渐被人忘却:我们把植物当食物吃、衣服穿,把它们当清洁剂、交通工具和药来用,还可以保护、取乐我们。植物在我们日常生活中扮演者举足轻重的角色。《人类的朋友:植物》使我们有机会大开眼界,见识到人类利用植物为他们造福五花八门的方法:在衣服里掺纸浆、快餐里加大豆,水仙花茎根被研制成治疗阿兹海默症,紫衫叶和榛仁用来治疗癌症,太阳花和油菜籽可提炼成环保型汽油。植物在我们生活中是不可缺少的,但是我们利用植物的方式却给我们自己造成了严重的伤害并给整个地球的生态环境带去了毁灭性的灾难。《人类的朋友:植物》审视了有机制造、生物剽窃以及宣扬“公平贸易”运动等务实、伦理性问题。它旨在帮助我们保持地球上植物生命的多样性,要我们平等对待那些成百上千万名用专业知识和技能来维持我们日常生活的人们。


    About the Author/作者介绍: Anna Lewington: Anna Lewington is a well-known writer and researcher who specializes in ethnobotany: the uses people make of plants. She has conducted research in Peru, Ecuador, Brazil and Chile, and has a wide knowledge of the (often controversial) industrial uses of the world’s plants - from GM soya beans to the endangered wild species used in some herbal medicines. Anna has worked for many different organizations, from the World Wide Fund for Nature to the British Government, and took part in BBC TV’s first ’Rough Science’ series. Anna has a long-standing interest in the indigenous people and cultures of Latin America, and her study of the uses people make of plants began with the Machiguenga Indians of southeast Peru, and their most important food plant - cassava. She has also worked with rubber tappers in Brazil, the indigenous people of Chile’s Atacama desert, and Andean communities. Anna’s other books include ANCIENT TREES (a collaboration with her photographer husband Edward Parker), an ATLAS OF RAINFORESTS, ANTONIO’S RAINFOREST and five other educational books for children. Anna Lewington是知名的作家、人类植物学的专业研究员:所谓人类植物学就是指人类对植物的利用。她在秘鲁、.厄瓜多尔、巴西、智利进行过研究工作,她对植物的(饱受争议的)工业用途了如指掌:不管是转基因大豆,还是濒危灭绝植物被当作草药,她都一一摸透了。.她为多个不同的组织工作:既为世界自然基金会服务,也为英国政府效力,她还参加了BBC 电视台开办的第一套“模糊科学”系列电视节目。Anna 一直以来都对拉丁美洲土著人民和文化非常感兴趣,她对植物用途的研究也是始于秘鲁东南部的玛奇根迦印地安人以及他们赖以生存的植物----木薯的研究。 她还研究了巴西橡胶带、智利阿塔卡马沙漠的当地土著人民、安第斯山区的居民社区。Anna曾经出版过《古树》(这是她和摄影师丈夫Edward Parker 一起合作的),《热带雨林图》《ANTONIO眼中的热带雨林 》除此之外,她还写了其它五本儿童教育类图书。


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