  • To
    定价:8.99 英镑
    上传日期:2004-10-27 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 13160004B07872

    English Summary/英文概要: A thrilling first fantasy novel by an exciting and original new voice in the genre.

    The vast Malazan Empire simmers with discontent, its subject states bled dry by interminable warfare and clashes with Anomander Rake, Lord of Moon’s Spawn, and the mysterious Tiste Andii. Even the imperial legions, long inured to the bloodshed, yearn for some respite. Yet the Empress’ rule remains absolute, enforced by her dread Claw assassins.

    For Sergeant Whiskeyjack and his cynical squad of Bridgeburners, and for Tattersail, sole surviving sorceress of the Second Legion, the aftermath of the siege of Pale should have been a time to heal the still living and mourn the many dead. The Empress has other ideas. However, it would appear the Empire is not the only player in this great game. A more sinister, shadowbound force is poised to make its first move.

    Conceived and written on an epic scale, Gardens of the Moon is a breathtaking achievement — a novel in which grand design, a dark and complex mythology, wild and wayward magic and a host of enduring characters combine with thrilling, powerful storytelling to resounding effect.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 连年的混战,争斗,和与欧曼德雷克(Anomander Rake)勋爵及他的提斯特安蒂(Tiste Andii)之间的血战对抗,耗尽了庞大的玛拉兹帝国的元气。

    甚至是玛拉兹帝国军团也渴望得能休养生息。对于士官威基杰克(Whiskeyjack )和他的精锐燃桥支队,以及第二军团唯一幸存的女巫师塔特赛勒(Tattersail)来说,帕莱之围的余波本该是哀悼死者的时刻。但是达鲁吉斯坦(Darujhistan),吉纳巴基斯(Genabackis)最后一个自由城市,仍然坚守着,而拉辛(Lasseen)皇后又是那么欲壑难填。


    《月之花园》是一部史诗级的奇幻巨著,恢宏的故事场景,黑暗而又复杂的神话元素,狂野而又不羁的魔法,以及纷纷登场的故事人物, 加之跌宕起伏的情节,将整个故事推向高潮,令这部著作一经问世,便大获成功。受到业界的一致好评,这部被誉为‘具有里程碑意义’的奇幻巨著‘玛拉兹英灵录’的开篇一章。

    Awards/获奖情况:Rights sold: Bard (Bulgarian); Neobicna (Croatian); Talpress (Czech); Luitingh & Sijthoff (Dutch); Varrak (Estonian); CalmannLevy (French); Bertelsmann (German); Papageorgiou (Greek); Silver Stars (Hebrew); Pecsi (Hungarian); Armenia Spa (Italian); MAG (Polish); Presenca (Portuguese); Tritonic (Romanian); AST (Russian); Laguna (Serbian); La Factoria de ldeas (Spanish); Bilge (Turkish); Tor (US)

    "Erikson is an extraordinary writer... my advice to anyone who might listen to me is: treat yourself."---Stephen R. Donaldson

    "A world that is both absorbing on a human level and full of magical sublimity... a wonderfully grand conception ...splendidly written... fiendishly readable."---Adam Roberts

    "Erikson’s strengths are his grown up characters and his ability to create a world every bit as intricate and messy as our own."---J.V. Jones

    "Rare is the writer who so fluidly combines a sense of mythic power and depth of world, with fully realized characters and thrilling action, but Steven Erikson manages it spectacularly."---Michael A. Stackpole

    "Gripping, fast-moving, delightfully dark... utterly engrossing."---Elizabeth Hayden

    About the Author/作者介绍: 考古学者和人类史学家史蒂文埃里克森(Steven Erikson)是划时代的多卷史诗奇幻长篇小说‘玛拉兹英灵录’的作者,这部作品的问世,被当时业界誉为‘奇幻类小说的鸿篇巨著’。该十部系列小说的第一部‘月之花园’曾入围世界奇幻文学奖(World Fantasy Award)。作者以同样的故事背景还陆续发表了几部中篇小说。《黑暗熔炉》是‘Kharkanas Trilogy’三部曲的开篇之作,该系列将读者带回到玛拉兹世界的起源——而《光的陨落》则继续这个史诗般的故事。身为科幻小说忠实拥趸的埃里克森,还充满热忱地‘戏仿’了一部长期播放的科幻电视剧,撰写了一部小说,最近,他涉足了小说,发表了新作《欣喜!》。作者现定居加拿大维多利亚。

    Archaeologist and anthropologist Steven Erikson is a graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. His first fantasy novel, the bestselling Gardens of the Moon, opens his epic ’Malazan Book of the Fallen’ sequence and was shortlisted for a World Fantasy Award. The equally acclaimed subsequent volumes are Deadhouse Gates, Memories of Ice, House of Chains, Midnight Tides, The Bonehunters and Reaper’s Gale. He lives in Victoria, British Columbia.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE(到期可授)

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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