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    定价:6.99 英镑
    上传日期:2005-1-14 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 00200004B09050

    English Summary/英文概要: The powerful second psychological thriller featuring Javier Falcon, the complex detective from ‘The Blind Man of Seville’.

    At seven years old, Mario Vega faces a terrible tragedy – his parents are dead in an apparent suicide pact. But Inspector Javier Falcon has his doubts. In the brutal heat of a Seville summer, he dissects the disturbing life of the boy’s father, Rafael Vega. His investigation draws threats from the Russian mafia whose corruption reaches deep into the city. He questions a creative American couple with a destructive past and uncovers the misery of a famous actor whose only son is in prison for an appalling crime. More suicides follow and one of them is a senior policeman. As a forest fire rages through the hills above the city Falcon must sweat out the truth that connects it all – and find the final secret in the dark heart of Vega’s life.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 这又是一本以JAVIER FALCON(就是《塞维丽亚盲人》作品中的那位饱受痛苦与折磨的侦探)为主人公的惊悚心理小说。 MARIO VEGA 才七岁大,可他的人生将要发生逆转…… 在塞维丽亚市的一个高级郊区里,MARIO VEGA的爸爸躺在了街对面的厨房地板上,奄了气,母亲则蒙死在枕头底下,这一切看起来倒像是两个人协商好,一起自杀的,但是JAVIER FALCON侦探却心存质疑,因为他在死者的手心里发现了已被糅成一团的神秘纸条。FALCON 顶着炎炎夏日的热浪,开始试图揭开RAFAEL VEGA的神秘人生,但这却给他带来了麻烦,因为他接到了刚刚在塞维丽亚活动起来的俄罗斯黑社会的恐吓。 JAVIER深入到MARIO VEGA的街坊里,走访了那里的居民,这一查,到是揭开了这对才华横逸的美国夫妻的那段惨烈历史,也演绎出了一位名演员的悲惨人生:他的唯一儿子因犯了滔天大罪,囚禁在了 牢里。 可是就在这几天里,又陆续发声了两起自杀案,其中一位还是位高级督察;一场熊熊燃烧的森林大火正吞食着塞维丽亚的山坡,大火所到之处,片甲不留。 FALCON必须争分夺秒,弄清事实真相,只要弄清事实,那么一切就迎刃而解了,当然,事实的背后还隐藏着一个VEGA的黑色秘密。

    Awards/获奖情况:‘First rate…Wilson at his best, a taut, gripping narrative and a sensitive study of the tormented detective.’---Sunday Telegraph

    ‘Wilson’s plotting is intricate, his detective endearingly human, Seville a captivating venue. This is crime fiction of high order.’---The Times

    ‘Its plotting is persuasive, its characterisation shrewd.’---Literary Review

    ‘Wilson is a fine crime writer, and has created a character in the best traditions of Chandler.’---Irish Examiner

    About the Author/作者介绍: Robert Wilson was born in 1957, the son of an RAF pilot. After graduating from Oxford in English, he was forced to re-think his sporting career following a motoring accident.
    He travelled extensively, touring the states and travelling to Nepal in a VW van before working in Crete on archaeological tours. He then took jobs in shipping and advertising but soon grew restless.
    Wandering is in Rob’s nature and he can hardly believe he makes his living sitting at a desk typing. After marrying in 1986 he spent a year travelling across Africa with his wife, an experience he recommends "if you want to know if you can live with someone for the rest of your life... the desert tells you things about yourself". It would also teach him everything he needed to know to write his atmospheric African novels.
    He continued work in shipping in West Africa until eventually his English degree caught up with him: he fell in love with Portugal and began renovating an isolated farmhouse while beginning to write his first novel.
    He is now the writer of eight critically acclaimed novels. A Small Death in Lisbon won the CWA Gold Dagger for best novel and his Javier Falcon have been published to critical acclaim. The Hidden Assassins is the latest in the series, published in July.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE

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