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    定价:16.99 UK
    上传日期:2005-1-20 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 08230004B09672

    English Summary/英文概要: Nina Hardy has been murdered. She died in the house where she grew up, killed by George, her childhood friend. But her body is never found, and she remains, a silent shade, watching the events of her own afterlife. As her brother and best friend meet and remember their childhood lives together, a remarkable story unfolds. Shade is at once an unforgettable portrait of childhood, a powerful story of love in its many forms, and a moving tragedy of lost innocence. Written with astonishing insight and perception, it confirms Neil Jordan as one of the most mesmerising voices in contemporary fiction.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: :‘我确切地知道我什么时候死的。那是1950年一月十四号的一个下午,三点二十分,阳光如此明媚,显然与这个季节格格不入,刺骨的寒风就像马鞭一样,四处抽打着,把大朵大朵的白云赶得到处跑,在蔚蓝的天空下,形成了一道独特的风景线,也给滚滚白浪的爱尔兰海增添了额外的几份汩汩洪流,比平日看起来更汹涌。’ Nina Hardy被谋杀了。她死在了那间从小到大一直住的房子里,是她儿时的好友George杀了她。但是她的尸体至始至终都没找到,她就成了一个无声无息的影子,默默地观察着她死后人世间的是是非非。 她只好眼睁睁地看着她的弟弟(非同一父母所生)Gregory来把她下葬,而那也是三十多年后的事了,而且还得看着Janie千方百计地要让她弟弟George承认是他杀了Nina。通过这两个人的观察,NINA重新编织了他们的生活,也渐渐明白他们现在究竟变的怎样了。 故事里的朋友和干草马车旅行都是凭空幻想出来的,当然其中穿插着一出出的戏剧和一场场的常校园舞会,以及 Boyne河畔上泥滩旁度过的田园般的童年生活。 但是外面的世界并不会因此而变得平静如水,友谊的那杆脆弱的天平不久被打乱了,他们最终还是会因为战争的爆发而分崩离析,等到再次相聚时分却发觉彼此已变得面目全非了。 《阴影》既描绘了那令人难忘的童年生活,也记录下了一个千变万化、娓娓动人的爱情故事,同时抒写了一个感人的失真悲剧。《阴影》笔锋敏锐极具洞察力,这更进一步确立了Neil Jordan在当代小说界最具催眠威力的作家之一的地位。

    Awards/获奖情况:’Shares with Jordan’s best films a twisting narrative which teasingly unravels its own mysteries’ ---Marie Claire Book of the Month

    ‘Extraordinary ... an enormously powerful book. I’d stake a bet it’ll win him prizes’---Daily Telegraph

    ’Romantic ... lyrical ... a novel of atmosphere ... it succeeds powerfully’ ---Sunday Times

    ’He recreates the drained landscape with the vivid care of a Dutch painting, and infuses it with longing ... Powerfully visual’ ---Observer

    ‘[A] beautiful, multi-layered novel … his most poetic, most moving book to date’---Sunday Tribune

    ’His cinematic sensibility yields prose of the most bewitching kind’ ---Sunday Times

    About the Author/作者介绍: Shade is Neil Jordan’s first novel for ten years. His previous novels were highly acclaimed, and his collection of short stories, Night in Tunisia, won the Guardian Fiction prize. As a director, his films include ’The Company of Wolves’, ’The End of the Affair’, and ’The Crying Game’, which won him an Oscar for Best Screenplay.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE(到期可授)

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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