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    定价:7.99 美元
    上传日期:2004-12-28 0:00:00


    Book ID/图书代码: 13005504B09688

    English Summary/英文概要: When the Cetagandan empress dies, Miles Vorkosigan and his cousin Ivan are sent to Cetaganda for her funeral as diplomatic representatives of Barrayar. Upon arrival, the two men are inexplicably attacked by a servant of the late empress. When the same servant turns up dead the next day, Miles and Ivan find themselves in the middle of a mystery. Miles tries to play detective in a strange, complicated, and deceptively alien culture, while lascivious Ivan manages to get himself involved with several noble females at the same time, a diplomatic no-no of the first order. As the plot thickens, it becomes clear that it’s up to Miles to save the empire. With her usual skill, Bujold addresses timeless issues of human identity through the personal dramas of her characters.

    Chinese Summary/中文概要: 西塔甘达:迈尔斯和表兄伊凡前往西塔甘达,不料飞船刚一抵达便遭遇突袭,一番搏斗之后,竟意外得到了西塔甘达皇室的至尊宝物“天钥”。随后,一位神秘贵妇召见迈尔斯,要求他归还“天钥”。然而迈尔斯获悉自己手中的“天钥”其实是个赝品。是有人暗中掉包,还是另有隐情?“天钥”又是怎样的宝贝?事情愈发蹊跷,迈尔斯决意探明真相。一次围绕“天钥”的险象环生的探案之旅由此开始……(RH)

    Awards/获奖情况:Miles is stuck visiting Cetaganda with his doltish cousin Ivan, representing Barrayaran nobility at an Imperial funeral. Miles must have suspected that it wasn’t going to be dull after the bogus docking instructions and the odd man who launched himself into their ship and started to pull a weapon on them. Three attacks and a mysterious murder later, Miles is juggling two emperors, two secret services, and a half-dozen traitors--nd that’s not even counting the women. ---Amazon.com Review

    About the Author/作者介绍: 洛伊斯•麦克马斯特•比约德,1949年生于美国俄亥俄州,是迄今为止获奖最多的女性科幻作家。
    1986年以《Shards of Honor》名声鹊起,以此作衍生出极受欢迎的招牌系列《Vorkosigan Saga》。她的创作迭获佳评与奖项肯定,包括三度星云奖、五度雨果奖。此外,作品也经常在《轨迹》杂志举办的最佳年度小说票选榜上名列前茅。近年又新开奇幻小说《五神传说》等系列,再度大放光彩。育有一对子女,现居美国明尼苏达州。
    Lois McMaster Bujold burst upon the science fiction world in 1986 with the first of the Miles Vorkosigan Saga novels, Shards of Honor. She has won the Hugo award four times, and the Nebula award twice.Her short story, Labyrinth won first place in Analog Magazine’s annual awards.Having already created a classic hero in the form of Miles Vorkosigan, and captured a cult following the process, Lois McMaster Bujold now takes up her prolific pen to produce an epic of the most fantastic magnitude. A brilliant and detailed landscape populated with illustrious and demonic characters, ushers the arrival of a hero for the twenty-first century.


    Rights Status/版权销售情况:Simplified Chinese/简体中文:AVAILABLE(到期可授)

    Complex/Traditional Chinese/繁体中文:AVAILABLE

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